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With every step I took I became more nervous. What if my mom wants to throw me out? Or make me live alone? What if my mom and brother hate Yoongi or SiJoon? My head became clouded with doubt and I really didn't want to face my mom right now.

I willed my legs to move, until they carried me to my house door. Little Sijoon just glanced at me with his brown eyes. That's good, Sijoon. Don't mind the trouble your mom's going through. I rung the doorbell and prepared for my doom.

The door opened to my mom, and Logan. I felt my nervousness double as her eyes traveled to me and then to Yoongi. 

"Hi mom." Her eyes widen as she saw the bundle of joy in my arms. Her eyebrows furrowed and her hand landed on her hip. A frown was present on her face, the same one on Logan's face.

"What is that?" She pointed at Sijoon, anger in her eyes.

"A baby. It's a project for school."

"What do they teach you? Do I look like an idiot? I didn't know you were pregnant. Why didn't you tell me? What's he doing here?" She looked at Yoongi, then back at me, realization on her face.

"He's the father of this creature, isn't he? Oh dear god, I should've talked to you about it. Now, your pregnant and I did nothing."

"Mom, calm down. I swear it's a project from school. My science teacher has this machine and made both of us sit on it. And boom: SiJoon popped out. Both of us were pretty mad but it's for a grade, so we agreed to take care of him. "

"Him? Who?"

"Sijoon, the baby."

"That's his name?" I nodded and my gaze shifted to Yoongi. Sweat formed on his forehead and he looked deathly pale.

"Are you ok, Yoongi?" He just nodded, not saying anything. Sijoon took that moment to cry. I tried rocking him, but the crying didn't stop. His face was becoming red and that made me panic. How am I supposed to take care of a baby? I didn't even know how to take care of myself.

"Mom, can you help me with SiJoon?" She stretched her arms and I handed her the baby. She cradled him in her arms and rocked him. After a few minutes, SiJoon stopped crying and just looked at my mom with his big adorable eyes.

"I don't think we've met. I'm Park Andrea." I realized she wasn't talking to me, but to Yoongi. I turned to him, who cleared his throat and looked at my mom.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Min Yoongi." He put his hands in his pockets and just looked at my mom. I challenge the ground to swallow me whole. I guess I won because that did not happen. I felt an awkward silence in the air, so I decided to break it.

"We have to go. We just came to introduce you to Sijoon. We're meeting Yoongi's parents in about ten minutes."

"Oh, of course. Have fun."

"Um, I just remembered I have something to do. So we won't be able to go." Que? No, Yoongi. Don't leave me to face my mom alone. 

"Oh ok. Well, tell me when you wanna go, yeah?" I have nodded and then turned to my mom.

"Goodbye." Was all he said before he got in his car and drove off. I turned to my mom and realized she still had the baby. I muttered a curse and headed inside my home, into the lion's den. 


I rubbed my eyes and tried to stay awake for the billionth time. I rocked SiJoon on my leg and tried writing some notes. Doing all three at once is a nightmare.

Bad Habit [Yoongi X OC]Where stories live. Discover now