One Night

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"Are you fucking crazy!! And this is supposed to be an assignment?! I'm reporting this to the principal!!!" Yoongi looked at the baby, then back at Mr. Thatcher. He stormed out of the room and I crossed my arms.

"I'm a science teacher. The principal is only going to tell him what I already know. He's on board with this. He thinks its a good and healthy way to approach taking care of a child. I built this machine myself, and you were my first students to test it out. Now, Mi Monica and Park Leon!"

"Whoa! Hold your horses! I don't want any of them to feel our pain. So, what if instead of having them feel it...Yoongi and I will take care of the baby and if we pass, you give us all A's." Mr. Thatcher moved his glasses towards his eyes.

"And if you don't?"

"We all fail...and if you want we will all be feeling the pain on the machine...creating our babies and maybe starting this again. Deal?" He crossed his arms.

"I'll think about it."

"Fair enough. I'll just pick up my baby. Dear lord, I will never say that again." I heard some of my classmates giggle and I sat down, baby on my lap.

"So, how is the mother of the year?" Dani winked and I laughed. I glanced at the baby and then at her.

"Hanging in there. Dunno what to do with a 2 pound baby."

"You take care of it." She touched the babies cheek, making the baby giggle.

"It has your eyes." I wrinkled my nose and looked at the baby. She was right. It had my dark brown eyes. The baby was light tan, and the only tuft of hair it had was dark brown. Its big brown eyes reminded me of a puppy, but its not one. I sighed and hugged the baby tightly. What am I going to tell my mom?

That's when Yoongi came back in, face red and balled fists.

"Your fucking crazy!" He pointed at Mr. Thatcher.

"Yoongi, come here for a minute." He stomped over to me.

"What!" His teeth were gritted and I did not like the look on his face.

"I made a sort of deal with Mr. Thatcher. Since everyone was gonna feel the same pain as us, I suggested that only us should do this project. If we pass it, he'll give the whole class A's, but if we don't he'll make all of us do the process again."

"WHAT! No, nuh-huh. You shouldn't have said that. I don't do well with pressure. I think this is a bad idea."

"Oh c'mon, how bad ca-"

"Don't say it, Heon."

"-an this be."

"Damn it! Now everything will go wrong. Ugh...fine. Just because we have a baby now." I shuddered at his words.

"Don't say that ever again." I touched the baby's bottom.

"We will talk about this tomorrow in class. You may leave now." I turned to the clock on the corner of the room. It' time to leave. I gave Dani the baby and picked up my stuff. I picked the baby up.

"It's a boy. Who we gotta name." Yoongi arched an eyebrow.

"Why can't we call it baby?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because that's not a name."

"Ohh, how about Don't. And last name Care." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"How about You Suck At This?" He rolled his eyes.


"Lets call him MinJoon. Or SiJoon?"

"MinJoon Min? Isn't that too much?"

Uh...Min? As in your last name? Nah, MinJoon Lee."

"Are we seriously arguing about this?" I nodded and he sighed.

"How about SiJoon Lee-Min?" I nodded and looked at baby SiJoon.

"Alright, baby Sijoon needs to get changed." I handed the baby to him and he grimaced.

"Bye." I ran towards the cafeteria and hid behind a wall. Great job, Heon. He might put the baby in the trashcan and bye-bye passing the class. I texted Dani.

From: Me
To: Dani
Where are you?

From: Dani
To: Me
Heading to the cafeteria. Why?

From: Me
To: Dani
Meet me here ASAP!

From: Dani
To: Me
Aye aye captain.

I turned my phone off and waited for her. I stood in the cafeteria line and ordered. After a while I got my food and started eating. That's when Dani walked in...followed by Yoongi.


"Guess who had help changing SiJoon?" He glared daggers at me while he said it.

"Of course Dani would help you. She has a brother." SiJoon started crying. Yoongj patted his back but SiJoon wouldn't stop.

"Why did you run?"

"Because I was hungry and wanted food?"

"Wrong. Because you're scared of taking care of a child."

"Well, you're not wrong. I thought you had already thrown him in the trash can." He gave me a puzzled look.

"He's a baby not trash."

"Good to know. Anyway, what did the principal say?"

"That he was onboard with this. Something about how this is a harmless way to teach kids parenting."

"Harmless is one way to put it."

"I gotta go....I'll be back." Dani walked away, leaving me with a delinquent and a baby.

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