Just One Day

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A/N: Ahhhhhhh! Somehow I got from #113 in #badhabits to #12! That made my day and gave me the motivation to give this fanfic all I have. I will grow as a writer and I hope you like the rest of my fanfic!

I glanced at the boy in front of me and crossed my arms.

"Hi. I'm Heon, you are?" I smiled at him. He was a bit taller than me, black short hair, lip piercing and an intimidating gaze.

"Hm. Baekhyun."

I glanced at his combat boots. His sense of style isn't bad. A black shirt and military-camouflage jeans is practical, but what would I know of fashion?

"Just Baekhyun?" I felt a nudge on my hip.

"What are you doing?" Dani whispered.

"That's all your getting, Red."

"Red? Oh, I see, 'cause of my red shirt. Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Baek. I'mma just sit here." I took a seat a few desks down, with Dani sitting next to me.

"Have fun." He winked at me and I just smiled.

"I'm starting to think you have a death wish." I laughed at Dani's comment. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she glared at me as if I was crazy.

"I don't. But, if I do, you'll be the first to know."

"That's comforting. Very comforting." I let out a chuckle and take my journal out.

After a few minutes of jotting down ideas for my homework in my journal, Dani spoke.

"So, you don't think anyone here is intimidating? Not even that Baek guy?" I shook my head.

"Nah, that's all in your head."

"Really? 'Cause he was basically eating us alive with his eyes." I shook my head again.

"He seems harmless. Like a puppy."

"Thanks for looking out for me, Red." I Iooked at Baekhyun, who stared at me.

"Anytime, Baek." I winked at him and he winked back. I heard Dani yelp and saw this girl next to her. She didn't look intimidating like Beakhyung did. She looked...normal.

"You're cute. You're with her?" The girl pointed at me.

"Nah, I'm straight. Her name's Dani." The girl glared at me and smirked.

"Didn't know she had a dog." I let out a chuckle.

"That's me, a dog. And you are?"


"A'ight, Mich, nice to meet you. Bye now." I turned to my desk and continued writing in my journal. I heard her huff and then footsteps retreating, but I ignored her.

"Thank God, Mr. Ree let us out early. I couldn't wait to get out of there."

"C'mon some weren't that bad."

"You only say that because you were eyeing Yoongi." I rolled my eyes and continued walking to my other class.

"It's whatever. Baekhyun seems...fun."

"Fun? As I said before, he seemed like he was eating you alive with his eyes."

"Hey, at least you got an admirer. All I got was a headache. That girl Mich seemed...decent."

"Decent? She insulted you and you think she's decent?" She said as we walked to our other class. I sat on my seat a couple of seats in front of Dani as the teacher examined a pitcher filled with green liquid.

"She's the one that likes you. A.K.A, your problem, not mine." She huffed and then the teacher spoke.

"Pay attention, because I will only say this once. This week your assignment is to take care of a baby with an assigned partner. Both of you will sit on this machine and you'll get a surprise at the end. Your partners will be assigned by me, which means these are final. You'll be given a packet which you and your partner will have to complete in order to pass this class. I will call the first people heading to the machine."

"A surprise at the end? What the hell does that even-"

"Lee Heon and Min Yoongi." I shut my mouth once I heard it. I froze and turned to look at the back of the room, where Min Yoong sat there, eyes widen and mouth agape. He stood up and walked to the front.

"Imma....go to...over there" I walked to the front and sat down on the machine. It was dark blue in color with a tube connecting both seats and another small seat to one side.

"Um, who'll sit there?" I pointed to the small seat next to my seat and looked at Yoongi.

"That's a SURPRISE!" He said the last part with fake enthusiasm. I cringed and Mr. Thatcher pulled a small lever up.

"There is no need to worry, you'll only feel a slight pinch." As soon as he said that, I felt something on the pit of my stomach. My arm started to burn and I closed my eyes. Yoongi let out a grunt and the pain just kept coming.

"Just a few more so the machine knows your DNA." I opened my eyes and glared at him, gritting my teeth to stop from cursing.

"DNA? What is this shit? Some sort of voodoo?" The pain in my arm grew stronger, making me grit my teeth harder until I heard a button being pushed and the pain vanished. I let out a deep breath and then I heard crying.

I turned and gasped. On the small seat there was a child, a baby.

"Holy shit! What the hell is that doing here? Should I say there? Ugh" I threw my hands in the air and stood up.

"That's the SURPRISE!" His fake enthusiasm made me mad. That was the surprise? A baby? Wait...

"Um, whose baby is that? Why is there a baby on the seat? Don't tell me its...No! What type of teacher are you!? This isn't fair!" I crossed my arms as I stared at the teacher. Maybe if I stared long enough he can combust spontaneously.

"Yours. Well and Yoongi's." That's when Yoongi when batshit crazy.
A/N: I'm an aspiring writer and this might be my first official short story once I change the names and edit it. Any advice for me about getting a novel or short story out there, readers? I'm thinking of making a book of short stories but I don't know where to start. Tell me in the comments.

Bad Habit [Yoongi X OC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora