Dionysus Part 2

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I really shouldn't drink, that's when shit happens.

I didn't know I would drink a lot. I just kept going; shot after shot until I felt my vision blur.

"HEON!" I turned to see who spoke. The music was too loud and I felt a headache coming.

"Chanyeol?" A tuft of black hair appears in front of me and I take a fistful. I heard a groan and someone yanks my hand away.

"What the hell, Heon!" Ooops, I yanked Chanyeol's hair. I giggled, a drink in hand.

"Sorry, Chan...Chan..Channy."

"Channy? I like it." He slurred his words and walked closer.

"Good." It was probably the alcohol. Or probably the fact that I may or may not have been pining for him for a year now. But, my lips connected with his. He kissed back, surprisingly, his hands on my waist.

"Let's continue this upstairs, yeah?" His voice was like silk, smooth and not easy to resist.

"Yes, Channy." I gave him another kiss, which turned into a full make out session. His hands roamed my body, and mine roamed his. It was the best feeling in the world. I wished it would never end.

"HEON!" Looks like I spoke too soon. I separated from Chanyeol and saw Dani with Jimin and Yoongi. The cold looks on the three of them made me realize they weren't happy.

"What? What'd I do?"

"You were sucking faces with Chanyeol." Yoongi crossed his arms, his steely gaze looking at my soul.

"Uh-huh? And? You're not my babysitter, Mint Yoogles. Wow, I am not pronoucing names correcly."

"Your drunk, and you need to come with me." He grabbed my arm and dragged me towards him.

"Hol' up. She wants to be with me. We were about to have some fun, leave her alone." Chanyeol glared at Yoongi and grabbed my other arm.

"Do I know you? Oh, right? You're that fuckboy that gets a new hoe every week." The room was surrounded in 'ooooh's' and a crowd was starting to form around us.

"What's up with you, Yoogles. You're not nice." I swatted his sweater but his reaction remained the same.

"I'll be nice once this asshole leaves."

"I'll leave once you're put in your place, delinquent." I stumble backwards and in good timing. From the corner of my eye, Chanyeol swings a fist at Yoongi, which hits his eye. Yoongi turned back to Jimin and nods. Yoongi punched Chanyeol and I saw blood coming from his nose.

"Ugh!!! Son of a-" Somehow, Jimin spring into action and punches Chanyeol too. Someone grabs my hand and yanks me outside. The cold air hits me and I shiver. A tuft of blonde hair appears and I yank my hand back.

"What the hell was that? Why are you acting like a prick? I was having fun!" Yoongi turned towards me.

"FUN? FUN? Fun is hooking up with him while drunk!? Fun is finding out that by one mistake you end up pregnant!? Fun is when he won't even take care of the baby!? Fun is having to quit school and abandoning everything just to take care of your son!?" His face was turning red and his shouting made my head hurt even more. I felt my vision blur and tears starting to fall.

"Just take me home, will you?" He didn't say a word, just opened the door to a black pick-up and I hopped on.

The ride to my house was a silent one, the only thing I remember was his somber expression. I opened the door and walked towards a window a few feet from the door. I opened it and climbed in to be met with my room.

"Well...if you don't need anything, I' ll just go." He turned around but I shouted at him.

"Can you stay?' He turned back around and walked towards me.

"Just for a little while." He climbed through the window and scanned the room. I shot my brother a text.

From: Me
To: Idiot #1 (A.K.A brother)

'I'm home. Climbed through the window.'

From: Me
To: Idiot # 2

'Did you drink? Who brought you home?'

From: Me
To: Idiot # 1 (A.K.A brother)
'A little. And a friend.'

I turned my phone off and laid down on my bed. Yoongi was on his feet, staring at my poster of August D.

"You like August D?"

"No. I just have the poster up so people ask. Duh. He's one of the best rappers I've ever heard." He hummed in acknowledgment. I heard a knock on the door.

"Heon, are you in here?"

"Shit! Yes. I'm changing." I point at the window and Yoongi speed walks to it.

"Stay hidden 'til he leaves." He nods and hides.

"You can come in." I grab my bedtime shirt and turn the lights on. He opens the door and I smile.

"Hey, you look like shit."

"Thank you, brother. Just what girls wanna hear." He chuckles.

"Are you okay? Want me to get you some painkillers or something?"

"No, I'm fine."

"You're super drunk. Who brought you home."

"A friend." He arched an eyebrow.

"Which friend?"


"That's a long well. What did you do?"

"Nothing. Well, thankfully nothing. My friend stopped me from making out with this really hot guy. His name is Yoongi."

"The hot guy or your friend?"

"Both. I-I mean my friend. The one that brought me here."

"Where have I heard that name before?"

"I dunno. Well, gotta go to sleep. G-night." I pretended to pass out and I laid still until I heard the door open and close. I opened my eyes and peeked out the window. I changed quickly and whistled softly.

"You can come in now." Yoongi climbed in, a smile on his lips.

"Watchu smiling about?"

"So both, huh?" I groan and laid down in my bed.

"I have a bad habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Lay with me." Yep, I was totally drunk. If I was sober I wouldn't invite a sort-of stranger to sleep with me in my bed.

"Ok." Yoongi laid next to me, and I instinctively hugged him.

"What are you doing?"

"Hugging you. What does it look like I'm doing? Making a smoothie?" I clicked my tongue and shook my head. I heard him groan.

"I mean why are you hugging me?"

"It's another bad habit. I'm a hugger. Just let me hug you, I'm drunk." He let out a breath but didn't move my hands. I felt a warm hand hold mine and I had to resist the urge to coo at him.

"What are you doing?"

"Holding your hand. What does it look like I'm doing? Making a smoothie?" I roll my eyes at my words on his mouth.

"I bet this is how you charm the ladies."

"You caught me." I let out a chuckle and get comfy.

"Good night, Yoongi."

"Good night, Heon." I inched closer to his body, liking the warmth emanating  from Yoongi. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Bad Habit [Yoongi X OC]Where stories live. Discover now