Prolouge - The Beginning of Something New

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No One's POV
The sounds of cricket accompanying the cold silent night as laughter poured out the mansion far out the neighbourhood. Two adults sat at the seemingly large living room as bottles of different alcohol (mostly vodka) littered the wooden coffee table and the carpeted floor. A man in his 20's with dark auburn hair, warm slightly tanned skin, forest green eyes with a gold round framed glasses. He wore a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his black neck tie loosely tied, he also wore a pair of black pants and grey socks. A pink hue covering his cheeks, a sign that he was close to being really drunk. In front of him sat a woman who held a bottle of vodka and chugging it down like it was nothing. She looked younger than her actual age, but no one, and I mean NO ONE mentions that. She had long black hair that's fixed into a loose pony tail, piercing crimson red eyes and peachy white skin. She wore a dark grey shirt, her dark red maroon neck tie untied and left hanging on her neck with a pair of black dress pants and black socks that went over her ankles. Both laughed at each other's jokes for a few good hours until it died down a little, the man looked at the woman with a look saying 'seriously?' with a sly side smile and broke the silence.

"Don't you think you'd have enough?" He asked
" I should be the one asking you that" The woman said while opening another fresh bottle of vodka and added "You kinda look like you're about to pass out" she chuckled
"Ok, I can't really deny that but" he said contemplating a bit whether to continue or not but decided to continue "Don't you think drinking a lot will give you a REAL killer hangover tomorrow morning?"
"...." The woman looked at him with an unamused look and scowled "I've been drinking like this ever since I've started drinking, 'I'll drink 'till I drop dead' is what I said to myself or maybe you forgot that I even mentioned that to you?"
"Ahh... Well. . . ." The man couldn't respond so, instead he avoided her gaze as a cold sweat rolled down his cheek, yet his smile never left but it changed from mischievous to a nervous one
"Hmph, that's what I thought" The woman said and chugged the bottle of vodka and slamming it down hard on the wooden coffee table, she hanged her head low and sighed and looked up to the man slowly, still having that same unamused look.
"Are you able to drive?" She asked
" Well, yes but--" before the man could continue he was cut off by the woman
"Properly?" She asked again, narrowing her eyes, looking at him waringly
"Yes? Yeah, I think so..." He answered unsure but hoped his voice had sounded certain enough to convince his colleague that he could.
"....Ok.... Well it's getting pretty late, you should head home now" The woman said leaning on to her seat while chugging down her bottle of vodka "Be careful on the way"
"Heh, sure thing..." The man said standing up, grabbing his bag and coat, while heading out to the front door to leave he grabbed and put on his black leathered shoes.
"See you at work!" He said as he opened the door and closed it shut, leaving the woman by herself to clean up.

The woman was right, it was pretty late and the man had a family to go home to, so she was nice enough to do little favors for him and his family. Though, this time, it was the woman who had asked for a favor to the man to be her drinking buddy .

She sighed and got up from her seat to start cleaning up, but not without finishing her half-empty bottle of vodka, of course. First, she started getting rid of the bottles by putting them in the crates where they were before they were emptied out, she put them nice and neat and put them away to the side so when she had time she can go and give these bottles to the recycling unit near the neighbourhood she lived in. She then grabbed a rug and started cleaning the wooden coffee table, when she was done she grabbed the vacuum and plugged it in, cleaning the floor that was once littered by many bottles of alcohol. Once she finished all of the cleaning in the living room, she went and checked the other rooms to see if they were clean and the lights were off. When everything was checked she went to the front door and locked it, she turned off the lights in the living room and then went upstairs to her bedroom and grabbed a pair of camouflage pyjamas and prepared it by placing it on top of her twin-sized bed. She sighed again when she retrieved from her slightly bent downed position from placing her pyjamas on her bed, she stared but soon walked over to the bathroom that was connected to her bedroom. She went in and turned on the faucet, filling the tub with hot water. She looked at the mirror with dull eyes and sighed again, taking off the red hair band which made her messy yet smooth jet black hair fall down to waist length. She had not realized how tired she really looked, but now that she's seeing it she thought that she really needed some proper sleep but of course she knew none of that would be given to her. She raised an arm and lazily stroked the side of her hair and gripped it slightly as she scrunched up her nose, closed her eyes tightly and sneered, clearly in a great amount of stress. She sighed heavily and relaxed, dropping her arm in the process and opening her eyes to look at her reflection. She turned around, crouching to turn off the faucet and then she dipped her hands into the steaming water. It didn't bother her knowing it was still very hot because she didn't really care at all that much. She stood and removed her clothes and stepped into the bath tub, relaxing, she grabbed the bath soap and poured a good amount into the bath tub. She moved her hands to mix the soap in the water, feeling the affects of the scented soap she relaxed and dipped further into the tub. The bath soap was lavender so it really made the woman relax and get rid of the stress even for just this moment. The lavender scent made the smell of alcohol go away but it doesn't change the fact that the woman had started to feel the alcohol kicking in slowly, so she started to feel a bit tipsy but she was still sober. After her relaxing bath, she got dressed into her camo pyjamas and dried her hair with the hair dryer that sat on top of her drawer, after all that's done she flopped onto her bed and sighed. She stared at the ceiling for a while then moved to get in a more proper (and comfortable) position, as she did she rolled to her side that faced the wall and closed her eyes, easily falling asleep. She hoped she would finally sleep in peace but she knew the 'dreams' that continued to haunt her was a constant reminder that no matter where she was, she will forever stay in this hell that is the world. The world may continue to evolve and change but the people that's in it will never and she had learned that the hard way.

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