Chapter 1 - Surprise Guests

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America's POV

Everything went white and then black, I must've passed out for a bit 'cuz I don't know what happened after that. But I soon started to wake up, so I slowly open my eyes only to be greeted with a warm bright light.

".....What....the fuck.....happened?" I said as I grunted, a pain quickly shot through my head, I clenched my teeth and held my head
"Where the bloody hell are we?" Britain asked as he tried to slowly stand up but only to stumble, he got catched by France before he could hit the floor

We were silent for a while, the others looking at each other with confusion while the rest looked around confused and curious at the same time, everyone was quiet until....

".....What the fuck?" A voice boomed and we all turned to face a black haired woman with red eyes, the face was in a mixture of being furious and confused

It was silent for a while until one of us spoke.

"Uhhh.... Hi?" South Korea said in a questioning tone
"Wow, really?" North Korea said as he burrowed his brows and glared at his brother
"What do you want me to say!?" South whisper-yelled " 'We come in peace?' " North just ended up face palming himself
"Ok, who the hell are you guys?" The black haired woman asked as she glared at us "Actually, what the hell are you??"
"Um.... well we're--" I was about to explain when my eyes drifted from her face to the gun that she was holding, I stared at it for a few good seconds until,
"Well!? You better answer or I'm either gonna call the police or give a warning shot for all of you to explain and get the fuck out of my house!" She threatened as she pointed the gun she held, it was now that everybody saw what she was holding and their eyes went wide
"Woah, woah! No need for that, we'll explain" I said as I lifted my arms and shaking them, defensively "We'll start with the introductions"
"I'm America, which should be pretty obvious" I said as I pointed to myself "That over there is the commie--"
"I can introduce myself, you capitalist pig" Russia hissed "My name's Russia and this...." He pointed to Soviet "is my father, the Soviet Union" Soviet only nodded
" I'm Britain or the United Kingdoms, a pleasure to meet you" Brit said as he bowed like the ever-so gentleman he is
"Bonjour! I'm France, the country of LOVE!" France said enthusiastically as he waved towards the black haired woman
"I'm the Philippines, kamusta!" Philip said cheerfully with his signature bright smile
"I'm South Korea and this over here is my brother North Korea!" He said as he swung his arm around his brothers shoulder, to Norths distaste he scoffed and looked away ( practically 'trying' to shove his brother off, but failed miserably, nevertheless he kept trying)
"M-My name is Poland...." Poland said shyly
"My name is Germany and that over there is....." Germany said, pointing at Third Reich and paused for a moment before continuing " is my stupid brother Third Reich, but you can call him Nazi Germany" as he said that, he lifted his glasses a bit
"Hey! I'm not stupid and you know that!" Third Reich yelled at him
"It's been a pleasure meeting you Miss....?" Germany said ignoring his brother and drifting off the last part hoping to get a name
"Explain" instead the black haired woman ignored the gesture and glared harder
"....." all of us went quiet, the others looked at each other mentally communicating until Britain started
" Alright, I suppose a quick explanation is in need" he said as he adjusted his monocle

We explained what happened, though it was mostly Britain explaining and only some of us were butting in adding more details to the story, though it was mostly me that was butting in. A few insults and offensive remarks never left past both me and Russia during the whole 'explaining what the fuck happened' though. The black haired woman seemed to soften her glare but it was still there, she seemed to really listen intently and deep in thought, she still had her guard up as well. After explaining, it went silent like--awkwardly silent until the black haired woman sighed in frustration as she ran her hand through her hair.

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