Chapter 4 - Suspicious

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Veronica's POV

"So, mind explaining why you're here William Tubsman?" I asked
" Oh well, you know" He sweat dropped "Just wanted to check up on my boss!"

'Of all the times you could've visited, why now?? ' I thought as I gritted my teeth to calm my upcoming wave of stress

" Well" I started "You don't need to visit me, so goodbye now" I tried closing the door but he stopped it by slamming his hand against the door
"Are you still mad about yesterday?" He asked
" No" I answered quite quickly, he only sighed in relief
"Oh, by the way" He said, still trying to push the door open "Who were you talking inside there?" I flinched giving him the opportunity to push the door open
" No one! Now go home! " I yelled as I gripped the door and tried pushing it close 'Damn, I've gotten rusty over these years...!'
"Really? If there's something bothering you to the point that you'd go and talk to thin air then I can--" He said with a straight face, but before he could finish he was interrupted by a loud thud
"What as that!?" He exclaimed
" Nothing! " I mentally cursed myself for answering so quickly, but I was hoping he'd just leave and run away from the intense glare that I was giving him, but he just completely ignored me!!
"You're definitely hiding something inside" He said as he pushed and welcomed himself in my house
"W-Wait! I'm your boss, and I order you to stop and go home!" I said blocking him
"And I'm your secretary, I'm supposed to take care of my boss" he said sternly, gazing down at me "Besides, you never talk about yourself so I'll be doing myself a favor and help you the best way I can!" He then walked around me into the living room where the countries are, and I panicked a little
" Wait! Can't you just stop and listen!? " I exclaimed trying to catch up to him "I don't want you freaking out if you--!"

We both stopped as we looked inside the living room only to see America and Russia wrestling on the ground, North and South Korea glaring at each other while Philippines tries to stop them from starting a fight, USSR and Third Reich were telling at each other but stopped when they saw us, Britain and Germany were nowhere to be seen while France was trying to stop America and Russia but could not get any closer because he was too afraid to get caught up with their fighting. I was rather flabbergasted but Will was confused and probably stopped working while trying to process what is happening in my living room, I soon snapped out of my flabbergasted state and glared at all of them. Even though USSR and Third Reich stopped fighting and just sat back on the couch, they did not make an effort to have the others notice my presence. I glared and scowled, Will finally snapped out of his trance but before he could say anything I shouted

"What. In. Gott's. Name. ARE YOU ALL DOING!!?" Everyone stopped and snapped their heads at me with wide eyes "MAKING A RUCKUS IN MY LIVING ROOM!? You guys outta be taught a--!"
" Woah woah! Calm down! " Will said as he placed his hands on my shoulder "You're showing your accent" He whispered, I just glared at him but kept my mouth shut

" Uh.... Sorry" America said as he stood up from the floor and rubbed the back of his neck sheepily
"Y-Yeah...." Russia said as he did the same thing except he just kept his arms to this sides
"Tch!" North Korea clicked his tounge and looked away with his arms crossed while South Korea just sighed, his tense posture now relaxed and so did Philippines
" Ah! Mademoiselle Veronica! " France cried as he ran up to me, oblivious to my bad mood "I'm so very sorry, I tried stopping them but--!"
"Sorry to interrupt but....." He said as he cut France off in the middle of his sentence "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE EXACTLY!!??" He exclaimed as he waved his arms around
" UGH, would you quiet down!? You're very loud! " I said, diverting my glare towards him which got him to shut up "Guess there's no point in avoiding this, it was bound to happen anyways.... I'll explain and I expect you to understand"

I explained him how it all started and all, at first he had plenty of questions but he shut up after I glared at him. 'Ugh, this is real troublesome.....' I thought as I mentally groaned in frustration.

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