Chapter 7 - Meeting Adjourned

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No One's POV

Now, waking up in the morning and having to be called by your secretary's wife, only to have him call in sick. The very worst part of it, was that he had just to call in sick, at the exact date of the meeting. Veronica would be lying if she didn't say she was livid, but she understood his current situation, after all she would've pushed and forced him to stay in bed until he gets better just as much as how Minty would.

She quickly put on her black gloves as she heard somewhat heavy yet muffled footsteps, sighing as she turned around to face the early birds. The trio didn't really get along, but they seem to bound is someway due their similar... habits, one of them was waking up this early as a daily routine. Though she had expected all the countries would be up just as early as them, she had expected most of them to lose that habit, seeing how their personified countries which changes depending on who and what rules within that country.

She was about to greet them blandly, but she ended up being a tad shocked when she saw another country, which was rather surprising to see that this German nation had woken up so bright and early. Her eyes widened by a fraction as another nation came down, following right behind Germany, the two of them sat with the original three early birds. She was a bit baffled, but of course she immediately composed herself, taking a cough behind her fist a she glanced their way.

"So, what's gotten the two of you to wake up this early in the morning" She asked casually

America and Germany looked at her, and she immediately cringed at the sight. Both had deep and dark bags under their eyes, seemingly glaring at her but their faces held an indifferent, from and overly exhausted look.

"What the duck happened to you two?" She asked again, though, it was rather blunt

Germany groaned while America grunted and answer "Couldn't sleep" he plainly said, as if it was a normal thing to him

Veronica had to admit, it wasn't as if she was expecting something, but this kind of outcome was a bit... exuberant. She sighed heavily, grabbing her laptop that was pushed inside its case, her documentary papers/files were placed and neatly stacked inside her bag.

Thinking about the meeting, she couldn't help think of a very much stupid idea. She turned to face the countries, when she was about to ask them her question, she immediately stopped herself before she could ask them such a stupid and irrational favor. So she kept her mouth shut and left without uttering a single word, igniting her car and drive off to deal with this wretched meeting.


The countries on the other hand, to say the least, was confused by her actions or at least what she was planning to say before she kept her mouth shut and left. Though they practically could careless about that now, their top priority is to get back to their own world, the longer they stay here the more they worry and get homesick.

North Korea stared at a certain brown envelope, he sighed heavily and worked over to it, grabbing it within his hands. He opened it, looking inside to see if it is what he thinks it is. After checking it, he shoved it back inside the brown envelope gently as he stared at it with a dry look.

"What's that you're holding, North?" America asked from the couch, his body moved a bit to the side while his head completely faced the Asian country

North Korea stared at it for a moment before sighing, looking at the American over his shoulder, he simply answered " Veronica's other documents, I guess... " he shrugged, placing it back where it was left and forgotten, and him not wanting to have anything else to do with it

"Wait, what documents?" Soviet Union asked, somehow, this had certainly piqued his interest

"Uh... From what I can remember, I think it was for that meeting that she was muttering about yesterday" North Korea said, remembering yesterday, which really weirded out. Though, her muttering about some new product that she was planning on introducing so late at night, somehow reminded him of a certain German country who was a workaholic which rather freaked him out a bit.

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