Chapter 5 - Out of Place

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No One's POV

North Korea's eye twitched, scowling hard as he glared at the TV. The ringing of the door bell will not stop. At all.

"That's it!!"

He yelled, standing abruptly from his seat. Stomping his way through the hallway, he gripped the doorknob and swung it open. He glared daggers up at the man in front of him, the man on the other hand was wide eyed as he stared the country.

" Where's Veronica? " The man asked
"Not home. What do you want?" North Korea said bluntly between his clenched teeth, glaring harder at the man
"Uh... Oh" The man, William, said quietly
"If you have nothing to do here then, goodbye" North said, closing the door

Before he could though, a hand stopped the door. He snapped his head behind him to glare at whoever stopped him from closing the door, but he immediately backed down as he saw who it was.

Soviet Union

"S-Soviet..." North breathed out, looking up at the country that towered over him

Soviet did not say anything, he gazed coldly down at North Korea. He averted his gaze and turned them instead to William, that still stood awkwardly at the front door.

"You. Come in."

He didn't ask, it was more of an order than a gesture. William, too afraid for his life, followed what the country said and went inside. North Korea, stood still, staring at the tall country with dull eyes. North sighed, closing and locking the door, he followed after the two.


Now, this may or may not be the most awkward situation so far, but it is. William sat in the living room, the two nations sitting just right across from him. He only went here, because he thought that his boss was here since he was told that his boss went out to go somewhere. Since he's the Secretary, he knows that the only places that the boss ever goes to is her house, the company's building and that one café she would always go to whenever it was break time.

So, as an apology, he asked his wife to help him make his boss's favorite cake. A Chocolate Schatorte, apparently, his boss has a sweet tooth. It surprised him at first, but he eventually got used to it by time.

Now, though... He was mentally killing himself for willingly following the tall nations invitation. He was also beating the shit out of himself in his mind for not just asking his boss via text or call on where she was, which he had to admit, would've been the smartest move. But, come on! He was very eager to give his apology gift to his boss!

"So, uh...." William started, rubbing the back of his neck " Hi?? "
'Nice going Will, seriously, get your shit together!!'

"Who are you again?" A voice from behind asked, Will jumped and shrieked
"Oh..." He breathed out, seeing that it was only the American nation that asked
"Yeah, who the hell are you?" Third Reich, who got elbowed by his brother, asked bluntly
"U-Uh, William! William Tubsman!" He responded, sitting up straight " Veronica--My boss's secretary"

"Your her secretary?" William jumped at the booming voice with a thick accent, he snapped his head over to the tall nation, who was gazing down at him

William gulped. He gulped hard.

"Y-Yes" He said, sweating furiously "I am"
"Then, what do you know about her?" North asked

At this point the countries in the room had suddenly tensed as they looked and stared at the man, waiting for an answer.

"Ah... W-Well, I don't really know much" William answered, a thoughtful look on his face "What do you even want to know about her?"

Before the countries could answer, Williams eyes widened and spoke again.

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