Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Aonghus tightened his hands on the narrow shoulders of his son. The bairn was growing quickly, but there was still time left to teach him. Still time left to hold onto him as their own rather than his own man. He held on all the tighter as his heart went somewhere he could not follow. Sheena lay peacefully on one side, holding hands over Isla's body with Rohesia, who lay as still on the other side. Both with expressions of deep sleep, barely breathing as, by all accounts, they were battling not only for Isla, but for the very path the clan has taken to this point. With his brother practically shoulder to shoulder with him, they would watch and wait, a small sleeping bairn tucked into the crook of one arm. The women had known the dangers, as did he, his brother voicing them for both in the near argument they had had. It was Gilbarta who had settled it, whilst the wives had seemed to accept that they were needed whether they wished to be or not. Gilbarta had been the one to talk about how she was the one to have gone through this before, knew the outcome. What she could not say for certain was if they would come back when their job was over. Whether the three upon the bed would be a living, vital part of the clan once more.

All they had was hope and prayer, and yet Aonghus would admit to himself, if not allowed. He was afraid. Afraid he would lose his heart. It may be selfish, but he did not care for anyone else in that moment, or the life of the clan, only that the woman who was his everything was entering a danger he could never know and never help her fight against. Her abilities he had no question over, it was the fact he would be left behind defenceless and that was the issue.

"Sit, brother, this will take a while." Artair pushed at his shoulder after placing a stool just behind him. "And if you are feeling anything like me, we're not going anywhere." Aonghus gave a nod without looking away from Sheena, lowering himself whilst voicing his thanks.

"Where has she gone?" The small voice was an echo of his thoughts. Yet once more his boy had cut right to the heart of the issue. Scottie rarely could show his emotions and yet he knew, he knew that his son loved them in his own way. That he had friends and a zest for life that was humbling. His cat was given the run of their cottage, and not a word could be said against it, not that Aonghus really minded. But he had to make a show of it, didn't he. Wrapping his arms around the lad, he pulled him closer until he was leaning his head upon Aonghus' shoulder.

"She has gone to protect us lad. Doing what she does best and fighting for us." He had to clear his throat twice in order to finish.

"I can fight now, you showed me how, can I help?" A quick spurt of speed. "I can go grab my sword. The real one you gave me, cause of how good I did. I keep it safe, and don't mess around with it. But I can protect Ma with it now." His eyes were bright, hoping to be useful.

Hating to disappoint him, he stroked back the floppy curls. Hoping that he would decide to keep them as he grew, his mother would be so disappointed if he wanted to get rid of them. "I'm afraid lad, this is something your Ma has to do for herself. She has to protect your auntie Rohesia form the bad men. You know she needs to show the men that she can do it herself, because they don't take her as seriously if a man tries to help her."

Scotties brow furrowed in thought. Thinking over all angles of the words before he weighed his own words. Never a word spoken without thought. "Aye, your right. Some people are foolish if they think that Ma is not good at fighting because she's a girl. So, we just have to wait them. Ma will show them what she can do." He turned to Artair with a decisive nod, "protect Auntie Rohesia." Turning back to face Aonghus, "and come back to us." Turning to put his head back on Aonghus' shoulder, he held him close. Hoping the lad had it right and very soon his wife would be back with them, safe and not going anywhere in this manner ever again. Not that he would have much choice in the matter, but at least she would be here to have the argument with.

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