Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Isla blinked quickly, had she hit her head in her misstep? Was this all a dream and she had not actually woken from the bump on the head she took last eve. For she was sure that she was seeing double. That was until she concentrated on the slight differences in the faces and slightly darker tone to one's hair colour. Both had their hair tightly braided, their faces glowing and more than a little shocked at what they had stumbled upon. Almost identical expressions upon almost identical faces, but they weren't not quite. Both held a sword, though the one on the right looked a lot more comfortable with it than the other and hers was longer and heavier. Both wearing travelling, hard wearing clothing and carried a small pack with the straps crossing over their fronts, short cloaks in earthy tones fluttered about them in the slight breeze as they stared across at the men with broadswords stood solidly before them.

She took it all in, but whilst the moment seemed frozen on baited breath, it was in fact only a few seconds before someone spoke. The women looked the men up and down, one seemed to wilt a little under their presence. Whilst the one with the heavier sword, straightened her shoulders and took a step forward. "I would praise the Lord above that we found fellow travellers, but it seems he did not deem it favourable to us, as you are pointing your sword directly at us." She purposely lowered her sword, the point digging slightly into the earth as she leant a little upon it. "That is unless you can help out two women who have been through a lot on our journey and are just looking for safety before travelling on." She spoke carefully, still watchful of the men and their weapons still at attention.

Darach mimicked the woman, staking a step forward and lowering his own sword. "And where would you be travelling too? By yourself? With no escort." He pointed looked behind them, making it obvious how alone the women were.

Quite brazenly the woman stuck her hand out awaiting a hand clasp, like a warrior. Darach was not one to afford women much rank, but he was so shocked by her that Isla could not believe the moment when he reached out and clasped her wrist for less than a second, but it showed not only the men, but also Isla and her friends that this woman has somehow gained more respect from Darach through sheer audacity than nearly every other woman in his life ever had. Isla did not think Darach could believe his own actions either.

A cheeky smile lit up the woman's face, as her companion edge closer to her but let the tension drop a little from her shoulders. As if she knew the capabilities of this woman. And these men were not even a second thought for her. Isla's own curiosity began to rise about these women. Who were they and where had they come from. The direction they had come was miles of forest that was thick with undergrowth. There were many paths that could be used around them, and easy enough to find even if you were not experienced in the forest, which at least the front woman seemed she was experienced. So Isla could not think of any reason for someone to go through that area.

"We are travelling north to visit family. Sheena MacKay and this is," a slight, barely noticeable pause, "my sister Rohesia."

Darach still on guard bristled a little. "MacKay, travelling north? And where would that be?" His sword hand twitching once more.

"Aye, MacKay, I wouldn't make up my own name now would I?" Sheena actually rolled her eyes at Darach, it was as if Isla could feel the fury starting to build in him whilst at the same time a bewilderment that this slip of a woman would do such a thing to him.

"We travel from Edinburgh, it has been a hard and perilous journey at times, we do humbly ask that you offer us some assistance." The one Sheena had called 'her sister', though Isla doubted the men had caught the slip, stepped forward. Her tone held a slight accent that was different to Sheena's but Isla could not place immediately. Softer in voice and manner, Darach unwound once more.

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