Dorm Sweet Dorm

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"So, Adam, will I get a roommate?"

He laughed and shook his head.

"Nah, we get our own rooms, plus there's no hassle having to share our bathroom with anyone."

"What, like you've ever had to do that in your life."

Again, he shook his head and laughed quietly.

"You've had to share a bathroom? In the castle?"

"Remember what I told you about how we were separated due to the attacks on our country?"

I nodded, slowly remembering the conversation we had when I was coming to Valadralia.

"Yeah, well mother and I had to pose as 'normal' civilians. Meaning we had to share a small residence, and needed to share the bathroom. Of course we had a security detail 24/7, but our life was pretty normal."

I had never begun to consider how my siblings also had to undergo a similar situation she had went through.

While I was deep in thought, Adam had swiped my card to open the door to my new home for the next few months. My jaw dropped even more. The blue themed room was ginornous. The windows had a view of the beach and the bed looked oh so comfortable.

"I'll leave you to enjoy your room. If you have any questions, just pick up the room phone and dial 428. Its also my room number, so you know where to find me. "

He tossed me my keycard, which had been attached to a lanyard. My room number was 448, meaning I was only 20 rooms away from my brother. However, before leaving my room, he informed my that the floor was divided into a girls' wing and a boys' wing.

Within the few hours before dinner, I successfully (and unsuccessfully) learned how to make microwave popcorn, use the TV guide, and check my classes on my schedule. My uniforms had been hung in my closet before my arrival. The dress code, as per the student handbook, specifically mentioned that the "proper school uniform must be worn every day during school hours (which runs from 8am to 2pm Monday-Friday) except for days for which a reasonable exception is made". Who deemed what was reasonable was the head girl on my floor. So, the girl assigned to room 431. For the most part, my days of wearing pajamas to school were over.

A thought suddenly entered my mind, so I turned over on my bed and picked up the phone.

"Hey Adam"

"Yeah, Ada"

"Do I need to wear my uniform to dinner tonight? Or is that strictly for school hours. Just wondering because I'm new to the whole uniform thing."

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot."

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