Make Him Smile

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Prem's POV

"Ai'Prem, N'Tew told me N'Wad kind of thinks what happened here was his fault."

I sag against the wall running my hands through my hair. How much remorse and regret is my boyfriend going to carry because of that bastard? I thought I had unpacked all of his worries about his past, but like always, I find another unopened box in the corner. Sliding down the wall, I pull up my knees, resting my head on them. I left the meeting angry, not at Wad but myself for not seeing this. What am I doing?

"P'Prem?" I look up at the voice. "Are you ok?" P'Bright's boyfriend asks, sitting down beside me.

"You want the truth?" I look over at him. Why is he here? Maybe he is looking for Bright.

"What good would a lie do?" N'Kammon counters. What good would a lie do? I wonder.

"Then no," I sigh, "I am not ok."

"Anything you want to share?" N'Kammon asks, tilting his head.

I think this is the first time I have been this close to this guy. I smile. Bright didn't stand a chance if those are the looks he gives him. He looks like a fluffy bunny, and I can see my friend melting with those doe eyes blinking at him. Compared to Wad, he is so bright. I chuckle at the unintended pun.

"P'Prem?" N'Kammon leans in closer, "Should I call someone?"

"No," I pull away, creating some space between us. No wonder Bright is so mental about this guy's personal space issues. He has no boundaries.

"OK," N'Kammon hums as he leans against the wall, "So are you going to share?"

"I learned N'Wad feels responsible for what happened here," I reply, leaning back.

"Oh," N'Kammon mumbles, "It isn't his fault."

"So you don't blame him?" I ask.

"Why would I blame him?" N'Kammon looks at me, confused, "He is a victim. I am a victim. Victims are not at fault. Nothing he did, caused what happened to him. Just like nothing I did, caused what happened to me. P'Dean and those involved are the ones at fault. They are who I blame."

"You know we know, right?" I state watching to see his reaction, even though he just admitted to me he is a victim.

"Knowing and knowing are two different things," N'Kammon stands up. I shake my head. Bright has his hands full with this one. I wish him luck. N'Kammon pulls out his phone and sends a message.

I get up and smile, seeing Bright's name surrounded by hearts on N'Kammon's screen. At least Wad and I aren't that sappy.

"They are the same, nong. Talk to him. Not knowing how to help hurts." I ruffle N'Kammon's hair and walk off.

" I ruffle N'Kammon's hair and walk off

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#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now