Chapter 2

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Zoro's pov-
     I walked into the kitchen/dining room right behind Usopp. Right when I walked in, a certain chef starts yelling at me for being shirtless around ladies. I quickly mention that Nami and Vivi have seen me and Luffy shirtless. Then he mentioned someone named Airi. I didn't care at the moment, sll I wanted to do is cut him im half. Luffy asked, "Whose Airi?" I ignore him as I fight Sanji. However, the sound of a growling stomach caught our attention. I look over towards it to see a black haired girl with familiar golden eyes. For some unknown reason the scar I have going from my left shoulder to my right side started to itch.

Airi's pov-
        His eyes were focused on me. And it never left even when we were eating. I say, "So let's go over names." I look around the table, then pointed at the boy with the straw hat. I say, "Your Luffy,  the captain." He does his signature laugh as he says,  "That's me." Then he stuffed meat down his throat. I moved onto the orangette in front of me. I say, "You're Nami, the navigator." She gives a simple nod. I moved onto the long nosed man. I say,  "You are Usopp, the sniper."
"That is correct, feel free to call me Captain Usopp if you want."
"I'll pass, I say as I moved onto the adorable mutant reindeer. I say, "Your name is Chopper,  and you are the ship's doctor." He nods shyly. I give my myself a little round of applause as I say, "I'm nailing this." I then point to Vivi and say, "Vivi, a princess who is trying to get back to her country." Vivi nods with a smile. I then point to Sanji, I say, "You are Sanji, the chef of the ship."
"Absolutely correct, Airi dearest." He says with his flirtatious voice.  I then point at the last person at the table, who happened to be sitting right next to me. I say, "You are Zoro, the swordsman." He didn't say anything, just resumed stuffing his face. Zoro then says, "I wouldn't keep my eyes off my plate if I were you." Huh, I thought. I then looked down to see an arm grsb food off my plate. In shock, I follow the arm to see that it belongs to Luffy. I ask, "Did you eat a Devil's Fruit, Luffy?"
"Yeah,  I ate the gum-gum one."
"I ate the human-human fruit." Chopper says as he takes a bite of the fiod on his plate." I sigh in relief as I say, "Glad I'm not the only one here with a Devil's Fruit."
"YOU ATE ONE!" They all yell in shock. I nod as I teleport behind Luffy. They all look over at me with wide eyes. I smile as I teleport back to my seat. Luffy's eyes were now stars. Which is actually kind of ironic. I say, "I ate the Star-Star fruit, my whole body is made of stars."
"WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO?" Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper ask at the same time.  I laugh and say, "I'll be glad to show you what I can do, after you guys saved my life." I answer with a smile.

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