Chapter 5

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Crocodile left after telling his plan for Alabasta. Currently Vivi was trying to fighting off Crocodile's precious banana gaters. Water was filling the room really quickly. Luffy and Usopp were freaking out over the rushing water. I stood up on the bench next to Zoro. My golden eyes look over at Smoker who is calm. I snap, "You're a Devil Fruit user too, aren't you, how are you so calm?"
"You have no emotion at all either." He says. I thought, That's true. I shrug and Smoker says, "The third one that came in has the key." I blink and say, "He's right, they sound exactly the same." Everyone looks at me, except for Zoro. Why does he always ignore me? Just then a familiar voice asks, "Nami sweet, Airi dearest, are you both okay?"
"JUST SAVE US SANJI!" I practically snap with the fang look. Although he most likely can't see me. Just then gaters started flying. I mutter, "That's more like it stupid love cook." This doesn't go unheard by Zoro. I caught a slight smile on his face.
Everyone was pulled out of the water. Zoro carrying both me and Smoker. Nami and Vivi pulling out an unconscious Usopp. Sanji pulling out Luffy. I cough out the water in my lungs and sit up. Sanji started yelling at Zoro for saving Smoker, who shouts, "RORONOA ZORO!"In a blink of an eye Smoker attacks Zoro who quickly dodged it with one of his three swords. He asked, "Why did you save me?" I was concious when I head what Luffy said. Zoro said, "I was only following my captain's orders, one of his crazy whims, pay it no mind." Zoro says as he pushes off Smoker's club. Smoker asks, "Then you won't mind me carrying out my orders and arrest every single one of you."
"See Zoro, this is why you shouldn't have saved Smoker." Luffy and Usopp woke up screaming. I jump, not expecting such a reaction. Luffy had then noticed Smoker and yells, "SMOKER, DO YOU WANT TO GO?" Usopp hid behind Luffy and say, "I'll take you on too." I sweatdrop. Smoker watches Luffy for a moment before lowering his club. He says, "I should, but I won't, get out of here. We all had ran in the direction Vivi had told us to go. Zoro and I stop once we notice Luffy didn't budge. Marines yelling echoed through the streets of Rainbase. Zoro asks, "Are you coming, Luffy?"
"Yeah." Luffy answers simply, but had not moved. He continued to stare at Smoker. Then with a giant smile, Luffy says, "You know what, you aren't such a bad guy, Smokey." Smoker's face grew red, as he attacked the ground beneath Luffy's feet. It would've hit him if he didn't dodge it. Zoro and I laugh as we chased after Luffy.

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