Chapter 3

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         I stood on the deck as I showed what I could do. Usopp had then asked, "If you've got a strong Devil fruit, why the sword on your back?" I look behind me as I touch the hilt. I say, "It's my goal to be an excellent swordmaster."
"So you and Zoro are rivals then." Luffy says pointing at a now sleeping Zoro. Usopp says, "His goal is to be the greatest swordmaster of all time."
"Then that doesn't make us rivals, I just want to be good enough to please someone." I then gain another thought, I ask, "Do all of you have very ambitious goals?"
"I'm going to be the man who becomes the king of the pirates!" Luffy says ambitiously. Usopp says, "I'm wanting to be a brave warrior of the sea."
"I'm wanting to be a great doctor that can cure any disease." Chopper says. Luffy says, "Nami wants to draw a map of the whole world, and Sanji wants to find a place called the all blue." All of them have such ambitious dreams. I have to say, I've got a lot in common with these guys. Luffy asks,  "How about you join my crew?" I blink in shock. I then said, "I'll give you a little deal, I'll travel with you around Alabasta, and if you manage to impress me, I'll join you. " Do we have a deal?"
"Deal." Luffy says grabbing my hand. Zoro's snoring filled the air.

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