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"You mean you caught a stiffy right in the middle of the kiss?" Jack practically yells into the phone before laughing his ass off in Dacre's ear.

"Are you done yet?" Dacre asks sounding irritable. It was the next morning but the embarrassment hadn't left him yet. He felt like a kid going through puberty.

"I didn't even know it was happening man. Like everything was fine and then bam." He rests his head in his hands. "What am I even supposed to say to her next time I talk to her? 'Hey, sorry my penis touched your thigh, let's act like it never happened?' Like no man, I can't do that" Dacre groans.

"Daddy what's a pe-nuts?" David asks. Dacre completely forgot he was eating his breakfast behind him at the bar.

"Bad word Dave, don't say that okay?" He tells David who nods his head.

"Okay daddy."

"Anyway, how about you don't mention it at all? I don't think she'll mind that either." Jack suggests.

"Yeah but it happened. We both know it happened. And if we don't talk about how I haven't gotten laid in almost a year, there are going to be some bigger problems, and this is definitely gonna keep happening. I like her a lot man. But I also gotta be a big boy and get some action soon." Dacre says looking down at himself.

"I get it, you're a horny fucker. But if you like her as much as you claim you do, figure it out because I sure as hell can't help you." Jack adds before hanging up the phone.

He did that a lot. He'd say something smart and then hang up the phone so you couldn't respond to him. It pissed Dacre off.

And just to add onto how pissed he was already was today, Jennifer, David's mother was taking him for the next few weeks after school today and he could not stand the thought of not having David in his care for the first time in months. If it was up to Dacre, Jennifer would never see her son again, but that's not how it worked. Plus when he told David about it last night, he seemed happy about it. So he dealt with it.

"Alright bud. Time to get you to school." Dacre hoists David out his chair and onto the floor.

After the divorce, Dacre was deemed with custody of David. Being that he was able to stay at home more because of his business title, he was able to be with David more than Jennifer was, so he was ruled as the primary caretaker. Not that Jennifer cared so much. Also the fact that she was abusive towards Dacre himself, swayed the court's rulings more in his favor

The drive to David's school seemed like it took forever as the countless loops of "Baby Shark" and "Old Town Road" entertained the child greatly as he sang gibberish at the top of his lungs. After Dacre had gotten David's things out of the car and into his cubby, he notified the teacher that his mother would be picking him up today, filled out the necessary paperwork, gave David a long hug and kiss on the forehead, and set off for work.


It was a slow day for the most part. Half of his crew were out working on a road repair, and he and sat in his office on his computer, while Jack sat at a table working on a blueprint design for a new building downtown. He sent his assistant home after he finished the schedule for the upcoming month. Then he ended up getting a call from his crew about rain a few hours later, so he sent them home too.

"Jack." Dacre calls.

"What's up?" He looks up from his papers and walks over to Dacre's desk.

"What do you think about me asking Shay for a second date tonight? I feel like it can count as a 'I'm sorry' thing. Just she and I at my house, you know?"

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