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"I can't believe this," Shay repeats as she lies across Dacre's lap. Her parents had left and Liz had fallen asleep in Shay's room, so they took to the living room.

"I know." Dacre blankly stares at the wall. He had broken the news to Jack, and his mind really just wasn't there anymore.

"I mean, what dick even has unprotected sex with someone he hooks up with from a bar." She scoffs.

"They were both at the Port City Bar, drunk. Who knows what they were thinking." Dacre says.

"How did you know that?" Shay asks, sitting up.

"How did I know what?" Dacre nervously looks at Shay.

"You said they were at Port City. Liz told me that when you were outside."

"Oh, just a guess. It's a popular spot." He lies.

"Yeah you're right." She says. "I really just want to find this guy and tell him how shitty he is for just leaving her alone at the hotel though."

"I think you should cut this guy some slack"

"Are you really trying to defend the guy that knocked up my sister?"

"No, I'm just saying that maybe Liz is just as responsible as this guy."

"Oh shut up and just let me be angry." She groans and covers her face with her hands.

"She told me that she wanted to keep it, but it may be 'too much of a burden on the family.' I know my parents didn't exactly have the best reaction tonight, but she knows that we will all love that child, so I don't know why she feels that way."

"Well she's never had a kid Shay, maybe she's scared because she doesn't know what's coming next."

"Yes, but of course we are all going to be there to help her. Maybe the dick that impregnated her will own up to his shit too."


"Well Shay, I know Liz and I don't know each other well, but I do know what it is like to have a kid and take care of one on my own. Maybe I can talk her through some of it."

"I think that would be good for her," Shay agrees. "Aren't you just so sweet!"

"I try sometimes." Dacre dryly laughs. He wasn't being sweet at all. If anything he wanted to yell at Liz for not telling him before she told him in front of her family.

"Does it matter if I'm there? I would love to hear you talk about children, but I do have a job that I can't just skip whenever I want to."

"Ha. Ha. Don't worry about being there. I'll take good care of her for you." He kisses Shay's forehead and gets up. "It's getting late. I really should head out and get Dave."

"Alright. Well I'll go tell Liz and give her your number so you guys can work out the details. See you later." She waves from the couch.

He waves back and shuts the door. His mind was racing, but he just focused himself on making it to Jack and Grace's house to get David.

David. He hadn't seen or heard from him in almost two days. By the time he had gotten there, he was fast asleep, and Dacre quickly moved him from the house to his car seat. When they got home, Dacre put Dave back in bed, and he threw himself on his own.

Contrary to what he told Shay earlier, he had no interest in taking Liz anywhere but a clinic.

"How the fuck am I supposed to do this?" He mutters to himself. Jack told him as a last resort to leave the country and start a life down in Mexico, and if he hadn't had any sense he may have done it.

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