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Dacre wakes up to the sound of his phone alarm ringing for work. He decides to hit snooze, it's not like it mattered if he was late today, he was the boss after-all, plus Jack practically had everything under control when he wasn't there anyway.

He pushes himself off the couch and does a quick stretch before picking up David's blanket and shuffles over to the laundry room. Not only did he feel terrible about what he did, he knew he couldn't bother to put it back in David's room without washing it a billion times or even do it all.

"Wow, I can't tell you the last man I've seen do laundry." Dacre hears Shay say behind him as he stuffs Davids blanket that he defiled last night into the washing machine.

"Yeah well I'm not sure who else would be doing it around here." He halfway laughs as he hits the start button on the machine and walks into the kitchen. Shay follows him.

They sit in the kitchen awhile in silence as Dacre makes coffee for the both of them. Shay breaks the silence.

"You know if you're feeling a little weird about last night, you shouldn't." She says setting her coffee down on the table. "It's really sweet how much you care about your son."

"Thanks." Dacre says. "I'm really sorry."

"Stop apologizing. Seriously, it's not that big of a deal." She moves across the counter and hugs him. "Plus if I'm being honest, I think we were moving a little too fast." Shay buries her face in his chest.

"What Shay? Why didn't you say anything?" Dacre pulls her face away from him to look her in the eyes. "Why didn't you say anything?" He repeats.

"I was tipsy and horny Dacre, there wasn't much else to talk about." She laughs.

"Plus, I think it would have killed the mood a little if I had to explain to you that I was a virgin in the heat of the moment." She buries her head again into Dacre's chest.

"Shay, you should have told me! I would have felt like an asshole if we did something you weren't ready for." Dacre says looking into Shay's eyes.

"I know, I know" She agrees. "But from what I remember, I initiated it, so it seemed like i really wanted it---which I did, but not... you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I understand." Dacre brings her into his chest for another hug.

"Lets just drop it. How does breakfast sound?"


Breakfast was almost silent, as Dacre focused on his phone. He was typing feverishly in response to Jack's latest message. Jack was informing him about a guy getting injured on the job, demanding to be out for at least a full 3 months without pay or he would sue. On top of that, Jennifer hadn't messaged him about David today.

"You know I wouldn't have said yes to breakfast if I knew you were so busy." Shay reaches out her hand to lower Dacre's phone from his face.

"Sorry Shay. Unexpected work issues." He apologizes before hitting send and setting his phone down.

"Honestly I can't relate, not that many problems happen in a salon other than the gossiping and occasional catfight." She grins taking a sip of her water.

"Ooh. I'd hate to get caught up in one of those." Dacre sucks his teeth.

"You better pray you're never the reason for one, that's for sure." Shay says matter of factly. "Trust me, ladies will either tear your name apart or tear each other apart over you. There's no in between."

"Yeah I bet. Females are vicious sometimes." He says. His mind was drifting towards Jennifer now, her attitude, the yelling, blaming, accusing, the fighting. She put him through so much, yet because he was a grown man it wasn't supposed to affect him, right?

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