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Dacre walks into the camper in search of Shay and David. David hadn't slept in the tent, so he figured that they would both be inside. He doesn't see David in his bed, so he checks the bedroom. He slides open the door and sees both David and Shay lying in bed, David's small body enveloped in Shay's arms.

He didn't have the heart to wake them up, so instead he settled on snapping a picture of the two and making breakfast for the three of them. It was Thanksgiving morning, and since they weren't having a traditional meal he wanted them to have somewhat of a full stomach.

He eventually heard the stirring of bodies as he was setting the table. David was the first one out of the bed, immediately latching onto his dad's leg. Shay followed.

"Good morning buddy." He leans down to pick David up. "And good morning to you as well." He kisses Shay on the lips.

"Ew." She quickly ducks her head. "Morning breath."

They all sit down at the table and eat breakfast Dacre made. Today was the last day at the campsite and they decided on hiking as their last adventure. It was also their unofficial official 1 month anniversary, and Dacre had things planned for when they got back later on.

Dacre took up everyone's plates and sets them in the sink. By the time they had finished eating it was 12:45. He then proceeds gets David dressed before sending him off with Shay.

"Why don't you guys go and figure out which trail we are going to take while I clean up here? I'll meet you guys over there in like 20." He suggests.

Shay agrees and takes David with her to decide on the hiking trails, and he immediately starts on setting up for their celebration that evening. Going hiking was a brilliant plan really, it would put Dave to sleep before they even got back, and he and Shay would have the rest of the night to themselves.

He began to wash the dishes and put them back in the cabinets, he swept, sprayed, and set out the candles and rose petals. Call it cliche, but he couldn't help that he was a cheesy romantic. Once he was fine with everything he left to meet them at the trail.


They had decided on the butterfly trail. It was an easy but long one, round trip it was calculated as a 3 hour walking trip.

Dacre knew this could end up being an escape attempt for his young, lately deviant son, so yes he did invest in one of those leash backpacks, and no, he wasn't ashamed.

The hike started off pretty boring, the trees had lost most of their leaves due to the beginning of winter, and the animals weren't as prevalent. About forty minutes in though they were much deeper in the forest and the wildlife had started to come out.

"Look daddy!" David points to some bird that had flown out low to the ground in front of them.

"I see it Dave!" Dacre laughs holding onto his backpack a little tighter. Once the hype dies down, the move along the path.

"So I've been thinking..." Shay begins, holding onto Dacre's arm as they walk.

"Hmm?" Dacre listens.

"Well we've been together for a while now, and I think it's time for you to meet my family. Like you know, a dinner."

"I've already met your family." Dacre half laughs.

"No, I mean all of them. Like my dad, my brother, plus Sharon would be there too with my nephew! And you could bring David and maybe invite your folks and..." Shay excitedly trails off.

Of course Dacre couldn't tell her no. Even if it pained him to be in a room with Liz again and this time under fire of her dad and brother. He told himself he was done with the situation and that he was going to let bygones be bygones. But, she also mentioned inviting his parents which in itself would be a terrible idea. Dacre's parents didn't know that he was dating again, let alone dating a black woman. Not saying that it mattered, but if they knew he was dating Shay, they would sure as hell make his relationship with her as painful as possible.

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