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Dacre stayed awake all night waiting on a message from Shay.

He had paced his living room and kitchen countless times by now and just figured it would best to try to lie down to ease his mind. He grabbed another beer from the fridge and plopped down on the couch. It was around 7 in the morning at this point

He knew for a fact that this was all over for him, and just needed to figure out a way to still express to Shay that he would be willing to do whatever to fix it. And now, about 4 beers in, he was debating if he should just call now to get it over with.

He goes to dial Shay's phone number up, when he is interrupted by an incoming call. It was Jennifer.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Dacre, I am fucking tired of your bullshit."

"As I am of yours, Jen. What is this about?"

"It's about David."

"Well if you want to talk to him, he isn't here, so I take it that this conversation is over." He begins to hang up the phone.

I'm taking you to court." Jennifer says.

"I'm sorry, what?" Dacre sits up at full attention. "You're doing what?"

"You heard exactly what I said. It was my allotted time with David. And you violated our agreement."

"Jennifer, you were in the hospital. Why the hell would I just let my son just sit in a hospital with you?" Dacre begins to argue.

"But you took him from me regardless! How do you think I'm supposed to feel?" He hears her voice tearing up. The second fucking emotional female in less than twelve hours. Great.

"What do you think David is supposed to think of me now?" She asks

"I don't fucking know. He's four."

"Yes. A four-year-old who constantly has his mom taken away from him and told that she's no good. I've talked to Grace. David thinks I don't want to see him. My own son thinks I don't want him around." Jennifer cries.

"If you want me to be honest Jen, I really don't care." Dacre shrugs. "You should have thought of that before you screwed me over a long time ago."

"I know you don't. But you will soon. Once we go to court and I get this shit settled, David won't be spending any more time with you. I promise you that." She hangs up the phone.

Dacre rolls his eyes and tosses his phone to the end of the couch. Jen could say all she wanted, but she was not taking David from him. He buries his head in his hands and then proceeds to punch his fists into a pillow. He gathers himself taking deep breaths, and then he's on his feet out the door on the way to Shay's house.

Was it his smartest decision? Not at all, but Jen had worked him up so much that he went tunnel vision and he needed one thing: Shay. He drives all the way there in silence, no radio, no windows down, just pure anger. He pulls in behind her car, hops out his truck and approaches the door. He bangs on it a few times and waits only to get no answer.

"Shay, please answer. I need to talk." He yells.

No answer.

"Shayla. I know you're here, just open the damn door."

Still nothing.

"Goddammit Shay, please!" He bangs on the door again. Eventually the sound of the lock fills the silence and he's about to rush in when he hears Shay's voice.

"Dacre wait," She says from behind the still unopened door.

"Yeah?" He answers.

"You have to promise me that you won't yell when you come in." Her voice was small, and it pained Dacre to hear her like that.

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