Chapter Three

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(Amelia’s POV)

Yeah Friday night was the best night I have had in a while. Probably even the best night ever! Dominic Simmons was fucking beyond amazing, every which way possible! Of course I had to tell Harper about my night with him, or she would nag, so I told her and I got the details of her and Creed. She was glowing for the rest of the weekend.

I was kind of worried because Dominic hadn’t called me. I seriously hope his intentions were not hit it and quit it. I was not that kind of girl. Then again I wasn’t the type of girl who slept with strangers.

Lilly came early again on Monday with that same smile on her face as I prepared the lesson. What was it now? I thought, staring at her quizzically. “Good morning, Lilly” I greeted as she went to her desk.

“Good morning Miss Taylor. Guess what?!” She exclaimed. I took my seat at my own desk and asked her ‘what’. “Mr. Simmons asked mom on a date!” She said, smiling very big. My stomach dropped then and I quickly realized that I was his hit it and quit it! “Maybe he will be my new daddy soon.” She continued. I swear my mouth dropped open. Her mother seriously needs some Parenting 101.

I got up then, telling Lilly to stay put that I would return soon and I quickly made my way to ‘Mr. Simmons’ class.

He was hanging the students’ paintings on his wall and looking quite sexy doing it. His muscles rippled as he moved and I melted. God, this was not the time.

“Mr. Simmons, may I speak with you?” I said, closing the door. He turned around and smiled when he saw me. That million dollar smile! “This is not a smiling matter Mr. Simmons” I said, crossing my arms over my chest and narrowing my eyes at him. His smile only widened.

“What is it, Amelia?” He asked, coming over to me.

“So I hear you asked Ms. Jones on a date” I answered hi, raising my eyebrows. He frowned then.

“I did”

I pointed at him then, “Let me tell you Mr. Simmons, I am no one’s one night stand. Especially not yours. And as co-workings I think Miss Taylor will be a bit more professional  than a first name basis, especially at work.” I said. He smiled then. HE SMILED!

“Sorry to say but a few nights ago you had no problem calling me by my first name, as I do recall and you really shouldn’t come into my classroom, looking all jealous and pissed, because you’re looking really sexy Amelia and turning me on at work, is not the best thing to be doing.” He said, coming to stand directly in front of me. Oh, dear, so close. He shouldn’t be so close, smelling so amazing!

“Please take this seriously, Dominic” I said, looking at the floor.

“I am, Amelia. I don’t see why me going out with Ms. Jones is any of your concern. We are just friends, Miss Taylor” He said to me, no sarcasm in his voice or a smile on his beautiful face. I blushed and turned on my heels, leaving his classroom.


“We are just friends? That’s what he said to you, aye?” Harper asked me. I had called her over to my apartment after school so I could talk to her about the prick. Yeah I decided that was his new nickname.

“Yes that is what he said to me and in my eyes our ‘status’ is not just friends. We are acquaintances and we work together. I am, for now on, going to speak to him on a professional level. “I huffed at her. She raised her eyebrows at me.

“Right” Is all she said and I slumped on the couch. What had I done! “Just forget about it” She said to me, smiling.

“Oh yeah, Harp. Because I can really forget about that night. It was fucking amazing!” I told her, rolling my eyes.

“Well I don’t know what else to say, Amelia.”


(Dominic’s POV)

“Sounds like she is into you bro” Creed was saying to me when I told him about what Amelia had done that morning. I shook my head at him.

“Well she will have to just get over me. You know me, Creed. I don’t do relationships.” I told him. Creed thought I needed to start having serious relationships, but of course I objected. I was just not that kind of man. He had told me he wanted one with Harper and I didn’t like that idea. After I completely stopped seeing Amelia we would have to see each other outside of work and that wouldn’t be good. IF I ever stopped seeing her, which I had no intentions on doing anytime soon. I was a ‘no strings attached kind of guy. But little could one person know.

I decided I was going to see her when I left Creed’s.


(Amelia’s POV)

After Harper left my apartment I sat in my kitchen and stared at the wall, thinking of the prick. I should so be grading papers but I just didn’t wanna do that. I decided that if the prick wanted to sleep with me again that would be a no go! Screw him!

I was about to start grading papers when a knock came at the door. It was probably Harper coming to collect something she probably left. I jumped of the couch and went to the door. It wasn’t Harper.

“Oh hey it’s the Prick.” I said, glaring at Dominic Simmons. Beautiful Dominic Simmons.

“That’s cute” Was his reply, and pushed past me into my apartment. Okay, rude?

“What do you want?” I asked him, smirking. He smiled and came over to me, pulling me against him.

“You, what else?” He said leaning in to kiss me but I backed away, raising my hand.

“Um, no thanks” I protested but he didn’t care, pulling me back against him.

“Do I really have to per sway you to sleep with me, or are you just going to? Take your pick” he said to  and waited for an answer. I laughed then.

“No one is sleeping with anyone. Especially me, so let go of me and run along to Ms. Jones. Tell her to enjoy my sloppy seconds” I said and he smiled at me.

“Sorry option wasn’t on the list, so I guess I’m just going to have to force you. “He said, pulling me to the couch. I objected over and over again but finally gave up when he started touching and kissing me in those places that made me go crazy.

Soon enough I found myself riding Dominic Simmons and loving every minute of it.

But I swear, this was the last time his love stick was ever going to be inside me!


There will be more to come with Dominic and Amelia! The next chapter will be a good surprise!

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----with love, Haley bitches♥

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