Chapter Seven

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(Amelia's POV)

I sat in the passenger seat of Dominic's stupid ass car going to my family's stupid ass dinner that I really didn't want to attend. I was still very mad at Dominic for telling my mother the things I was not ready for her to know. Now I would have to tell my whole damn family.

My brother and his family were going to be there tonight. I was dreading having to hear what my brother was going to say about it. He always had his stupid, 'humorous' comments. Ugh, he and Dominic would get along so well, I just knew it.

I haven't said a word to Dominic since last night and I had no intentions on speaking to him all night. I would just sit there and let my whole family interrogate him.

"You know you have to talk to me sometime soon, Amelia" Dominic said, glancing over at me then back at the road.

"Shut up." Was my reply and he shook his head, chuckling. God he took my seriousness so 'serious'. I wanted to strangle him!

"I said I was sorry, Amelia" He said, ignoring me completely. I glared over at him

"And I said Shut up" I replied looking away from him again. He was really getting on my nerves. A month ago I would have loved to be in his company but know I wanted to run away as far away from him as I possibly could. One: because, like I said he was irritating and two: he was so freaking sexy I sometimes forgot what he was like on the inside and only seeing the fake façade he put on.

And the worst thing about it all was I was going to have to deal with him forever!


My family was so happy to see us. Especially to see Dominic. My niece, Caitlin took a liking to him quickly and was talking his ear off before dinner was even served. I had a feeling this visit to my parents' house was going to be long and dreadful!

As my mother set me right beside Dominic and I wasn't happy about that. She set the plates and silverware in front of everyone and my brother's wife, Katherine helped bring the food to the table. She was such a suck-up I had to admit and was still trying to impress my parents after five years of being in the family. I didn't have a problem with that; it was just a bit ridiculous how she acted when she came over to my parents.

After everyone's plate was filled with food my father spoke of why we were having this dinner. "So your mother tells me you are moving in with Dominic and your pregnant as well?" My father said, looking over his food at me.

"Yes" As sad as that sounds, I said. Leaving out the last part. Aaron smiled over at me.

"Well that's great little sister. It's about time, aye?" He asked me a huge grin on his face. I only nodded my head, thinking yeah it's not to great. If only they seen Dominic in the same eye as me they would be pushing him out the front door, that is exactly what I wanted to do right now. He was smiling as well.

Before anyone got to put in a word, little Caitlin began asking away.

(Dominic's POV)

Amelia looked so uncomfortable, sitting there. I just kept a smile on my face though. I was upset that she was still angry with me. It's not like I had intentionally told her mother just to humiliate her. I felt like the biggest dick in the world! As much as I had apologized she wouldn't forgive me. Damn she was such a stubborn woman.

"Auntie Amelia is going to have a baby?!" Caitlin exclaimed, perking up in her chair. "Where do they come from mommy?" She then asked Katherine, who shrugged and told her to ask her father.

"Baby Land." Was his answer and Caitlin beamed.

"Is that where I came from daddy?" She asked becoming very excited. It was amazing what little things could impress children, putting a smile on their faces. Aaron nodded to her, smiling. I waited patiently for her next question, knowing they didn't stop at one. "Are you going to marry Auntie Amelia?" She asked me, hope in her eyes.

I only smiled and said, "Maybe someday, Caitlin" Amelia kicked me under the table and I grinned wider.

"That would be so cool!" She said and began picking at her food. I couple moments later she looked back up at Amelia, this time. "Do you love Dominic?" She asked her and I looked over at Amelia, curious of what her answer would be.

"Um, I care for him" Was her answer, but Caitlin frowned.

"Mom says you aren't supposed to have babies with people you don't love." Was her answer. She looked confused now.

"Your mother is right" Amelia said and smiled at her, warmly.

"But-"Caitlin began but Katherine hushed her. Telling her to eat her dinner and stop bothering the adults.

I guess it was good to know that Amelia cared for me. If only I felt the same. But who knows, she could be lying.

(Amelia's POV)

Dominic and I sat in the living room of my parents' house with my parents and talked. I didn't really want to talk about anything; I wanted to go home and go to sleep. I was so damn tired and I had school tomorrow.

"So what are your intentions Amelia?" My father asked me, holding my mother's hand. "Are you going to keep the baby?"

"Of course!" I exclaimed, sort of looking at him in disbelief. He should have already knew the answer to that. He nodded his head slowly and smiled at me finally. "I think Dominic is a fine man, Amelia. Why don't you guys get married?" He then asked.

"NO!" I said shaking my head. Dominic answer was a little less rude however.

"I want to wait awhile and see how things go Mr. Taylor." He said, smiling. Again my father nodded.

After a while I began feeling nauseated. I tried to breathe in and out deeply but that only seemed to make it worse. I got up and headed towards the bathroom.

This whole being pregnant business was not fun!






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