Chapter Nine

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The next morning I woke up feeling amazing! I had a feeling today was going to be a good day. The only thing I didn’t like was me and Dominic would be late for work and we would have to tell the principle I was pregnant…with Dominic’s baby. I just didn’t want to leave someone else to teach my kids. That would make me look bad.

I had to admit my baby was more important than elementary school, as mean as that sounded, it was the truth. I sat in Dominic’s car and thought about this as he drove to the doctor’s office.

“What are you thinking of?” Dominic asked me. I smiled over at him, shrugging.

“Just my students. Who is going to keep an eye on them while we are at the hospital?” I asked, biting my bottom lip, anxiety washing over me. Dominic placed his hand on my leg.

“I’m sure no one at that school will leave them un-attended, Amelia. Your worry too much about little things.” He said to me, shaking his head. So what if I did?

It was quiet the rest of the way to the doctors. It really wasn’t busy today so the doctor seen us quickly.

“Hello Amelia. How are you doing?” He asked me. Dominic stood in the corner of the room with his arms crossed over his chest. I wondered if he thought it was awkward.

“I’m good.” I said to him and he nodded his head in approval.

“How far along are you?” He asked me looking through his papers, a frown now on his face.

“Three months” I told him and his frowned deepened as he glanced at my baby bump. Was something wrong? I really hoped not, that wouldn’t be good.

Next he requested an ultrasound.  


(Dominic’s POV)

I stood beside Amelia as she laid on the table for her ultrasound. The doctor asked her plenty of questions that I thought were stupid and I was happy when he was finally done asking. All those questions were time consuming and quite pointless. I looked around the room at pictures of babies and wondered if ours looked like that right now inside of Amelia. I guess I would find out soon.

The doctor raised Amelia’s shirt over her small round stomach and squirted some blue looking gel on her. Her breath sucked in when it touched her skin.

“Sorry, it’s cold. I forgot to warn you.” He said apologizing and Amelia waved it away. He spread the gel and looked up at the screen, still frowning.

“Is everything ok in there?” Amelia asked frowning, as she saw his facial expression. i was beginning to worry when he didn’t say anything. I was about to re-ask Amelia’s question when a smile broke on his face.

“Ah, look here” He said pointing at the screen, still smiling. Reality hit hard when I saw my baby on it and I felt joy. This was great! “Two heads” He continued and Amelia’s face showed panic.

“My baby had two heads?!” She asked him, eyes glossing over. The doctor laughed, shaking his head at her crazy accusation.

“No you’re having twins” He said. Amelia’s eyebrows rose and she looked at him as if it were a joke. Two babies? Dear god this was going to be fun. Amelia was going to get so big! That explained why the doctor was looking at her with a confused look on his face when she had told him she was only three months.

I couldn’t wait to meet my two children; I was going to be very impatient till that day came. I just needed to work on myself. I realized then that I wanted to love the mother of my children and playing around was not going to work. I knew it was going to be hard but I WOULD do it.

Amelia looked over at me and I smiled at her.

“I guess I’m having two babies!” She said and begun to cry.

(Amelia’s POV)

When we got to school I parted from Dominic and went to principle Bratton’s office. He had called me there before I could have made it to my own classroom

I was surprised I was going to have twins and even more surprised that Dominic was okay with that. The affection he was showing towards the babies was great and I began to like, maybe love, him just then, on the car ride here. Deep down I knew he was going to be a good father.

“Amelia. My wife told me you visited the doctor today…and your pregnant.” Bratton said as I sat down in the chair in front of his desk. I nodded my head at him, smiling. “I don’t mind that you are pregnant I just mind that you are pregnant and not married.” He continued. I frowned at him.

“Where are you getting at Mr. Bratton?” I asked him. He sighed heavily before answering my question.

“I’m going to have to suspend you, Amelia. I’m sorry.” He said. I felt like crying then, but I didn’t.

“What does not being married have anything to do with school?” I asked him then.

“I can’t have a teacher like you on board. It makes me look bad. I really a, sorry Amelia” he said and shook his head.

“You can’t do that. You’re suspending me for a personal problem. I can report that to the board of administrations” I threatened him, standing up. This was terrible and a lump grew in the back of my throat. What was I going to do without my children? What were they going to think?

I decided not to go and say goodbye to them.


“What’s wrong?” Dominic asked me when I pulled him away from his class out into the hallway.

“That stupid dick suspended me because I’m not married. Is that even legal?” I said to him, wiping my tears away. Dominic hugged me then, glaring at nothing.

“What the hell. That’s not even a reason to suspend you. Don’t worry, Amelia. I’ll take care of it. I know people.” He whispered to me and I nodded.

I decided to go home then. Damnit this was the worst day ever!






Just Friends (Book 1)✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant