Chapter four

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I stayed away from Dominic as much as possible. Except at work when I took my students to his classroom and I didn’t want to do that. My life would be much better it I wasn’t sleeping with a player. I didn’t once see him outside of school, which was a good thing. I avoided going to bars that he would most likely go to on weekends. The only problem was, Harper was dating Creed, I didn’t like the idea of that one bit. She was having a dinner party tonight and Dominic would be there, of course so would I. I was going to try my hardest NOT to engage in conversation or he would, I know, seduce me and I would once again find myself in between the sheets with him. That was not an exception. It had been three weeks since he had showed up at my apartment.

But today I had other things to worry about. Like finding something to wear to the party and I had an appointment with my doctor. I had been unnecessarily sick for days now, a virus had gone around and I needed medicine. Little did I know?

I sat in the waiting area of the doctor’s office waiting for my name to be called. I had gotten off the phone with Harper a few seconds ago; actually I had hung up on her for making stupid accusations. She wanted me to bring a date to her party and that just wouldn’t happen. I didn’t want another man beside me for a long time. Now, in my eyes, every man was a Dominic Simmons.

“Miss Taylor” said the nurse, coming out of a door. I quickly rose and hurried to fallow her through the door. She took me to an exam room, taking my vitals and asking me tons of meaningless questions that I just had to answer, and then directed me to the bathroom for a urine test. Not that urine test had anything what so ever to do with a virus! But stupid I just wasn’t thinking of that at the moment.

I sat in that small room and waited for the doctor to come in. ugh, I had always hated going to see the doctor. It was so uncomfortable and weird. Finally he came, a big smile on his face and papers in his hands. “Hello Amelia, how are you today?” He asked me.

“I’m alright I guess, just a little nauseous, like I have been every day since forever” I said to him, matter of fact and bit of sarcasm in my voice. He came over to me, looking into my throat before frowning.

“The nurse took your vitals and your temperature. You didn’t have fever and usually that is common when you have the flu” he said and just then a man came in.

“Here are your urine results doctors” He handed papers to the doc and was gone quickly. The doctor looked over the paper before looking up at me, grinning.

“I think I found the solution to your sickness Miss Taylor. Were you aware that you are pregnant?” He asked me.


My mouth dropped open. “Shut the fuck up.” I said.


That prick hadn’t used a condom! What the hell was wrong with him!? A bunch of things went through my head as I paced in my living room. I guess it wasn’t just his fault; I had been so drunk on him that I hadn’t noticed? No, it was his fault!

“Oh My God, Fuck!” I yelled at no one and nothing. I was so angry I began to cry a lot. I figured the first thing I should do was call Harper. Yes, she would know what to do, she always did. I quickly grabbed my cell and dialed her number.

“Hey Am.” She answered.

“Harper I have a problem. A huge problem” I said, sobbing.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, coming alert and sounding worried. What a good friend.

“I’m pregnant” I said. It was hard for me to say, but I managed. Of course I wanted kids but not now. I guess it was my time though. Not once did adoption or abortion go through my head. That was the biggest no ever. I was going to in fact keep this baby, even if the father was a prick!

“Oh. My. God.” she said, dragging to the words out. Yeah? I had said that fife-hundred times today!

“I know! What am I going to do Harper?” I said, whipping tears away.

“Well of course you have to tell him Amelia, duh. Tonight” She said and my stomach turned.


(Dominic’s POV)

Amelia was at Harpers dinner party and let me tell you she was looking hot. She had been avoiding me for three weeks now and that pissed me off. I still wanted her and she was in my thoughts most often. I didn’t know why she was acting the way she was though. What had I done; besides rocked her world, twice?

She would often meet my gaze but wouldn’t hold it long enough for me to know what she was thinking. I wondered what, but didn’t dare go ask. If she wanted to ‘hook up’ tonight, that was not going to happen. Not after she had ignored me for three weeks! Finally after two hours of playing cat and mouse with our eyes, Harpers guest began to leave and Amelia came over to me.

“I need to talk to you Dominic” she said to me. I laughed, smirking at her.

“Oh, now you want to talk? No I don’t think so. I’ll just avoid you like you have been doing me for a while now, how’s that?” I asked her, sarcastically. She glared up at me.

“Now, Dominic, it’s serious.” Amelia said and turned around, walking down the hallway and entering a bedroom. I stayed were I was for a moment and fallowed her into the room, closing the door behind me.

“What?” I asked her. She sat down on the bed and stared at me for a long time, looking as serious as ever. I have to say it was a sexy look for her.

“I’m pregnant, Dominic” She said then. I frowned at her then. Was she serious? That was not a good way to get someone closer. Very unattractive really. I glared at her then, crossing my arms.

“Don’t fuck with me, Amelia. That is not something you say to fuck with people.” I said to her, shaking my head. She laughed and her eyes glossed over.

“Trust me Dominic, if I wanted to fuck with you, I would do something a bit harsher.” She said. Point taken. I only shrugged though.

“Well what are you going to do Amelia? I dont do relationships and you know that. Im not good at them ” I asked her.

She stood up from the bed and came over to me. “We Dominic” she corrected me. She pointed at her stomach then. “This human inside me is us. You and I”


:P Hows in that for a suprise!!!

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--with love, Haley♥

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