Chapter Six

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"Have any more rules for me to fallow in my own house?" Dominic asked me. We were sitting in the living room of my apartment later that night. Me on the other side, which I thought was appropriate. I did not want to be close to him. I scowled at his sarcasm, crossing my arms.

"Yes I do. Just because I'm going to be living in your house does not mean I will cook or clean for you." I said and he laughed. Was this matter really so humorous for him? It was quite irritating.

"I'm perfectly capable of cooking for myself and cleaning after myself, if you must know. I'm still alive and you have seen the inside of my bedroom. Damn need I remind you of a night you clearly regret now" He said, the laughter gone. He looked kind of angry?

"Yes that would be correct, I do regret it highly." I said with a small smile on my face, making his angry made me feel good. "And if only you were dead we wouldn't be in this situation. AND I hope to never see the inside of your bedroom ever again." I continued. He gave me a chuckle. "I'm serious." I added and he only nodded a humorous smile on his perfect lips.

"I know. You are a very serious woman, I have come to learn. It's quite sexy, Amelia." He said.

I held my hand up then, "None of that. Don't call me sexy, ever, it's very inappropriate." I said to him. He was opening his mouth to reply when a knock came at my door. I hopped up and made my way over there quickly, thinking it was Harper. It wasn't.

"Mom?" I asked eyes wide. She was standing in my doorway, smiling. Oh dear god because this was the time for her to be here, when my baby daddy was in the living room.


"Oh who is this darling?" My mom said walking into my living room, a huge smile on her face when she saw Dominic. I really wanted to shoot myself in the face! Dominic got up from the chair and came over to my mother.

"Mrs. Taylor" He greeted sticking his hand out to her and she took it, "Dominic Simmons" He introduced himself a smile on his face. I narrowed my eyes on him. He better not befriend my mother that would never happen.

"Oh! So you are the one Harper told me about in a phone call" Mother said, looking Dominic over. HARPER? I was so going to kill her. "He seems very stable Amelia" She continued studying him before smiling over at me. "Good choice in boyfriends" Mother said to me before removing her coat and sitting on my couch. Dominic was grinning at me and I shook my head.

"Stable? Yeah right and he is not my boyfriend, mother" I told her joining her on the couch. Dominic took his seat back in the chair.

My mother only frowned at me. "Well...Why haven't you been calling me Amelia?" My mother asked me. I was going to answer but Dominic beat me to it.

"She tends to not talk to people for a long period of time, yes?" Dominic asked her. She smiled at him, nodding her head.

"Oh yes! You are so much like your father. One time...." She said going into a story, telling Dominic and he listened closely, laughing when she flailed about something. I sat there and stared at the wall. FINALLY when she was done Dominic looked over at me smiling.

"Your mother is very funny Amelia" He said to me and I gave him a fake smile, rolling my eyes. HE was the fake one. "Have you told her our plans?" He asked me then, frowning a little. I shook my head, glaring at him.

"What plans?" My mother asked, coming alert and looking over at me. When I clearly wasn't going to answer her Dominic continued.

"Amelia is moving in with me." He said and my mother's face lit up. She probably though this story was going to end well with me marrying Dominic and that was not going to happen, I was never going to marry a prick. "Didn't she tell you she was pregnant?" Dominic asked looking very shocked. Holly fucks what was wrong with him? My mother looked over again at me once more.

"You're pregnant?! And you didn't tell me! She exclaimed, looking a bit sad but happy at the same time. My older brother Aaron had already had a kid and was married, know they were waiting for me. "Well who is the father?" She asked me and I pointed to Dominic. Yes he was going to get an earful when she left. She didn't look surprised to find out it was him, either. She simply got up grabbing her coat. "Well this is just amazing!" She cheesed. "You should tell your father. "Maybe at dinner tomorrow?" She asked and didn't wait for me to reply. "Yes that would be perfect. You must come too" She told Dominic, who only nodded smiling in agreement. A couple seconds later she was closing my front door behind her.


I glared at Dominic, angrily. I was going to cry, it was not his place to tell her I was pregnant. God he was such a prick!

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked him. "That was not you place to tell...." I got up not finishing my sentence and went into the kitchen, tears falling before I made it. Of course he fallowed me there.

"She needed to know" Was his reply. I spun around looking at him coldly.

"Well I didn't fucking want her to know yet ok? Can't you just think about what other people want before you open your big stupid mouth?" I asked him. He only stared at me, his mouth in the small shape of an O.

(Dominic's POV)

Oh shit, she can't be crying. I didn't know to do with a crying person. Especially a crying pregnant woman! I didn't know what to say so I said what anyone would say, "I'm sorry Amelia"

"Just get out" She said, crossing her arms over her chest and sniffling back tears. I went to her then but when I tried to pull her towards me she gave me a deathly glare.

"I really am sorry" I said and I meant it, knowing I was wrong. I left then because she wanted me to and she didn't look like she wanted to see me again till tomorrow night.




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