Chapter thirteen

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(Amelia’s POV)

I was still very shocked with Dominic’s comment to that chick at our hotel room. I did replay that event in my head several times in the next few weeks.  I really was in love with Dominic Simmons and I wanted to express it in so many ways. My love had grown for him when a few days ago we found out we were having two boys! He was so happy with the news and we started painting and decorating our babies’ room very quickly. He was so into shopping for them-probably more than I was- he spent so much money.

Tonight Harper was giving me a baby shower! It was too soon, only being six months pregnant but the girl didn’t listen. So I agreed to it just to make her happy.

“What are you guys going to do?” Dominic asked me as I stood in front of the mirror in our bedroom, looking over my outfit. I was really big and it was hard to shop. He was kind of anxious about me going to spend the evening with a bunch of woman. I had no idea why, maybe because we were always with each other and he didn’t want anything to happen to me?

“They will just give me gifts for the baby and then we eat some food. Don’t worry we will be indoors the whole time.” I said walking over to Dominic, who sat on the end of the bed. He really was cute when he was worried.

“Okay” was his reply and he pulled my fat ass on to his lap. I really hated when he did that. I felt like I was going to snap his legs in two. But you couldn’t argue with Dominic Simmons, heaven forbid! “Amelia, I think we should name ourselves as a couple now.” He said and looked up at me. I frowned at him and was about to agree when he shushed me. “I love you, Lia”

I think my mouth dropped open in surprise. Dominic loved me? It was too surreal to believe! I didn’t say anything because I didn’t know what to say. I mean I did but I couldn’t speak. He moved me off his lap and went to his night stand.

Harper was going to be so excited! I knew she would start planning our wedding in her scheming little head. Maybe I wanted her to though.

Dominic came back to me, handing me a long black case. “I really do love you, Amelia” he said and opened the box which held a really beautiful necklace with a small diamond at the end. My heart fell. It really was beautiful and I began to cry like an idiot.

“I love you too Dominic” I said as he put the necklace on me. I don’t think he had planned to tell me this or give me this right now. But I was glad he did. For the next thirty minutes I kissed this man nonstop till my doorbell rang, indicating Harper was here to take me away.


“Awe it’s so cute mom!” I squealed as I opened my mother’s gift. It was two baby books and they were so cute! I couldn’t wait to put my babies’ first pictures in them. I knew Dominic would love them.

“I’m glad you like them honey. You can put so many memories in them. Your father helped me pick them out.” She told me cheesing from ear to ear. Now we were down to the last gift and Harper handed it to me, smiling.

“Dominic will like this one a lot I think” She exclaimed, waiting for me to open the gift. I grinned, unaware of what was in the bag as I tore into it.

“Oh my god Harper, this is a baby shower!” I said gapping at the sexy lingerie that was pulled from the bag. It really was nice though and what man wouldn’t like it?

“Cute huh? You can wear it for him after the babies are born.” Katherine said to me after the laughter had died down. I stood up then, shaking my head.

“I’m hungry.” I said and wobbled my way to the kitchen, Harper at my heals.

“So I have something to tell you, Am!” She whispered as we entered her kitchen. I frowned at her, grabbing a piece of cake. ‘Hmm?’ I asked her, digging in. “Creed asked me to marry him!” She said and stuck her hand up.

“Holy fuck!” I exclaimed taking her hand to examine the huge diamond that was on her ring finger. “That so great, Harp!” I hugged her then and she jumped around in excitement. After a second she stopped and frowned a me.

“But we are moving to Miami in a month” She said rather apologetically to me. Miami? Was she crazy! Not when I was going to be having TWO babies soon. I sure as hell did just then give her a mouth full. “I know its crazy but I will be here when the babies come. I promise.” She said and I only glared at her for a long time then. ‘Fine’ I said feeling a lump in the back of my throat. My best friend was moving away to be with her lover and I was going to be here all alone. I knew I wouldn’t be actually ALONE but Harper was my best friend.

I wanted to go home then! Tonight was not all rainbows and unicorns like I had expected.


A car was in the driveway as I pulled up to the house. I wondered who that was and just then the most terrible thoughts went through my head. I slowly got out of my car and made my way to the front door. Was I prepared to see what was happening in my house? Not really.

I walked through the door and was surprised to see Dominic’s father sitting on the couch, a smile on his lips as he talked to Dominic.

“Oh! I didn’t know you were back, Amelia. Sorry.” Dominic apologized as he rose from the chair and came to me. I frowned at him in confusion. Why was he here? but I quickly decided I would rather have him here then that one bitch!

“My father has come to spend a few days with us. He says he needs a break from New York.” Dominic explained as I came further into the house.

I nodded my head and smiled at Mr. Simmons.

“Hello Mr. Simmons. It’s nice to see you again.” I said to him as I took my own seat. He smiled at me.

“Like-wise.” Was his reply and he began to apologize for his wife and daughters rude actions that night at dinner.


that was a leisure chapter but the next one Amelia will learn more about Dominic's past!

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