Chapter Ten

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“Don’t cry, Amelia.” Dominic said to me pacing the floor of our living room. I was still very upset about the whole suspended business. That was not even a good reason to suspend someone. Because I wasn’t married? He didn’t even know the whole story. His big mouthed wife should have kept her mouth shut. I was so pissed! I wanted to go back to that’s assholes office and bitch slap him so hard. If I wasn’t pregnant I really wouldn’t have cared. Ugh, I was just so emotional.

“I’m sorry, I can’t.” I told him, sitting on the couch, watching him pace. Just then he stopped pacing and glared at me.

“Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault one bit. Just wait Amelia; I will get him fired for this. It really is ridiculous. And I will quit” He said to me coming to sit down beside me. I gapped at him, shaking my head.

“You can’t quit. Where will you work then?” I asked him, confused as hell. He stared at me for a long time, before he answered me.

“I have a degree in psychiatry. Don’t worry; I can get a job, Amelia.” He answered me. I frowned a bit more. He never told me that. And why would he be teaching third graders if he was a physiatrist? As if reading my mind he answered the question. “I wanted to take a break from people’s problems” He said, shrugging.

“Oh, well I don’t want you to quit, Dominic. That’s such a stupid reason and I would feel terrible.” I told him, wanting to cry.

“That is not a stupid reason…look I’ll think about it ok, Amelia?” He said when I sniffled back tears. I never cried when I wasn’t pregnant! I really wasn’t enjoying this whole experience! i sat there and I stared at the wall for a very long time. What the hell was I going to do during the day? Sit around here? oh no that would drive me mad.

“Come eat dinner.” Dominic said a couple of hours later coming into the living room. Ugh I really did not want to eat. I was still pissed and I knew I would be for a long while.

“I’m not really hungry Dominic” I said, shaking my head at him. He glared at me for the second time today. He better not make a habit out of that, I didn’t like it.

“You can’t starve yourself…or my babies. So you better come and eat.” He said, coming over to me and pulling me off of the couch.  He had changed so much since the first time I had met him. he wasn’t so damn sarcastic and he hadn’t been out on a ‘date’ with another woman since he found out I was pregnant. or if he had I didn’t know about it and I didn’t want to. He was a grown man and a single on. Just the thought of him with another woman made me jealous.

“Okay, okay.” I said, fallowing him into the kitchen. He had made pasta tonight, my favorite food and I thanked him, a couple of times.

I never knew Dominic could cook. He was a very good cook, maybe even better than me. Every time I learn something new about Dominic, I begin to like him more. I had genuinely cared for him and I had a feeling I would love this man by the time our babies were born.  I hoped I would.

“This is really good, Dominic.” I said, scarfing my food down like a fat pig. He only stared at me with a small smile on his face.

“Thank you. I remembered your favorite was pasta. I’ll have to cook it more often for you.” He told me, beginning to eat his own food. Finally I looked up at him smiling. “What?” He asked, returning my smile.

“Maybe after dinner you can go buy me ice cream. That would be just so nice of you.” I suggested to him and he smiled, chuckling.

“I don’t think I signed up to be you’re made.” He winked at me. “But of course I will. I don’t want you to tear my head off.” He added and got up from the table.

 “Good, because if momma aint happy, aint nobody happy.” I said to him. He laughed some more and took my plate from me and putting it away, before leaving to fetch me what I craved.


(Dominic’s POV)

“Oh my god, this is so good!!!” Amelia said to me, flailing as she ate her ice cream. We were in the living room watching a movie. Well she was, I was watching her. She was so beautiful.  I knew somehow that I was going to be falling deeply in love with her very soon. I had never felt about a woman the way I felt for her right now. It truly was an amazing feeling. I wanted to know everything about her! I wanted to know things about her that no one else knew.  And I wanted her to want the same things with me.

“Can I have a taste?” I asked, leaning toward her, smiling. She narrowed her eyes at me before glancing back to her ice cream. ‘I don’t know’ was her reply and I gave her a bottom lip.

“Awe, why do you have to be so cute?” She said and gave me a bite of her chocolate ice cream. It wasn’t my favorite but it would have to do. For the next thirty minutes we shared the rest of her ice cream and watched TV. “I have to go Shower” She told me and slowly got up from the couch, handing me her empty container.

“Or a bath?” I asked her, smiling. Again she narrowed her eyes at me before crossing her arms.

“With you Mr. Simmons?” She asked me and I nodded my head. She seemed to think of that concept before nodding. “No touching, or there will be consequences.” She threatened. I laughed at her rising from the couch.

“No promises”


(Amelia’s POV)

Dominic tested the water millions of times it seemed like before I was finally able to undress and get into the water. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time I was getting undressed but I didn’t care.

A few minutes later he joined me and I did everything in my power not to stare. I succeeded and I felt proud of myself.

“You are so soft.” Dominic commented as he sat behind me in the tub, running a rag over my shoulders. I wanted to laugh at his comment but I didn’t.  Just replying with a ‘thank you’ we were very quiet throughout most of it. Almost near the end his hand trailed up and down my thigh and I just had to laugh.

“Don’t ruin the moment, Dominic” I told him and with that he stopped touching me.

Finally we decided to get out and he dried me off then himself, before taking me to HIS bed and we fell asleep together, peacefully.





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