Chapter Eighteen

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It has been a whole month since Dominic and I’s fight. I knew he had stayed with a woman but I didn’t know the whole details. Of course he had told me that he hadn’t slept with her, and I did believe him, just the fact that he stayed the night at a woman’s house pissed me off. I would hear him out when I thought the time was right. After a month of him sleeping on the couch I thought he had learned his lesson and he could come back to our bedroom and I would actually talk to him. I had just needed time to think about a lot of things. If I didn’t love Dominic I wouldn’t be in his house still but I did so therefor I had to stay. Ugh, our fight one month ago was very selfish and quite childish! Fighting over some prick from college was not good. People like Jake smith would be the reason we split up, if that ever happened.

I was already eight months pregnant and becoming very uncomfortable! I was always hungry and I was so fucking big! tonight I went into the living room where Dominic was sitting on the couch, watching the sports channel.

“So, are you ready to talk?” I asked him, sitting beside him. He looked over at me and nodded his head at me.

“You’re going to let me talk right? No interruptions?” he asked and I nodded my head. “I love you, Amelia. I would never cheat on you unless; of course you cheated on me. I did not sleep with that woman. I was very drunk and told her about you and my babies. She had a lot of respect for you and didn’t have sex with me. God, Amelia, I love you so much and my babies; I would never do anything to fuck our little family up.” He rambled grabbing my hand. “We are a couple Amelia and very soon we will be married. We will have problems and fight, who doesn’t?”

I nodded my head in agreement but it took a minute for me to reply. “I just thought you had slept with her, seeing that you used to do that a lot. I was just afraid that I would lose you, that is why I freaked out so bad…and because I’m pregnant.” I said smiling at him. oh I was so glad to have him and I know what I had did to him was wrong. Making him sleep anywhere but where I did was childish and not talking to him was also childish.

Before he could get a word out though, a sharp pain went through my stomach. I let out a little scream. This again really? I was becoming scared but just then my water broke. This was no pregnancy scare.


After what seemed like ten thousand hours of pain and screaming, my boys were finally born. They would have to stay in the hospital a bit longer than normal babies because they were born one month early but I didn’t care. The doctor told me they were fine. I had to get a C-section because they wouldn’t come after two fucking hours of pushing. I didn’t really like the idea of having a scar but oh well, it would go away I hoped!

“The boys are so cute!” My mother said, standing beside my hospital bed. Everyone had come when they found out that I was having the boys.  Even Harper, which I was so glad for and William as well. I was upset though, it seemed as if everyone in the hospital had seen my babies but me. The nurse promised she would bring them in soon.

“Yeah, they look like little baby Dominic’s!” Harp said, agreeing with my mother.  Now I was going to have to deal with three Dominic’s? oh how perfect!

After a few minutes of them rambling everyone left except Dominic. Oh I loved him so much; I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him! And of course our boys!

“How do you feel?” He asked, sitting down on the bed beside me. I laughed, shaking my head at him.

“Terrible. My cut hurts so badly.”

“Hum, I love you” he said, looking at me very passionately. I smiled at him before leaning over as much as I could and kissing him, softly. “I want you to marry me, Amelia Taylor” He said and pulled out a small black box. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry when this happened, many many times over the past few years but I did. I cried then and nodded my head to him.

The small diamond ring looked just amazing on my finger!  Dominic and I kissed for a very long time after that until the nurse came in with our babies. They were both wrapped in blue blankets. God, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on them!

“What are we going to name them?” I asked after she handed me one baby and Dominic the other and left the room. He frowned at that.

“Well we should have thought of names a month ago but momma was being…mean.” He said, happy with his choice of words.  I agreed and stared at my babies. “How about Michael and Sean?” Dominic suggested. Michael and Sean?

“Fine by me” I said, smiling. We sat there for a very long time and admired the two new lives we had made and brought into this world. I was feeling really happy then. Finally I looked over at Dominic and he was crying, looking down at his son, Sean. “Are you ok?” I asked, coming alert. He smiled and looked at me.

“I’m perfectly fine…I really love you. I promise I will do nothing to hurt you or my children Amelia.”  I nodded my head in approval.

Finally my doctor came in and instructed that I rest. I really was in tons of pain from! I wished that they were born natural but everything would be okay soon. I already wanted to go home with my little family but that would come later.


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Baby Michael and Sean are finally born!

Find out in the next chapter how Dominic and Amelia cope with parenthood.


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