Chapter 5: Treat Her Nicely

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Jungkook's POV

It was now morning when, a pair of arms wrap around my body. I was now gradually got up not letting her notice, " so it was you all along,  you accompanied me last night." I mumble, as I pick her up in bridal style and went back to my office and laid her on my couch. As I pit her down her right hand grab my hand and said, "dont leave me" she said while sleeping, I follow what her order and kneels infront of her.

I was now staring her face blankly. 'She is more beautiful than last year, *sigh* how I miss her smile and laugh'

I want to hear her laugh, and show me her happy smile that can show her while teeth.

I was now leaning against her face  and stop,  when I touch her hair smoothly. ' I want to kiss her, but what if she wakes up....but I really want to kiss her her lips are pinkish that likes a doll.' I lean forward to her face, we are now 1 inches way apart from each other, I took a deep breath and fast peck on her lips. And grasp some air while blushing hardly.

O my god, why does the cold monster turn into some shy boy...

'Duhhh....I'm doing this ever again.'

I lean toward her again and said
"maybe I should treat you nicely same as you treat me last night, I want to give you my exchange give as my....


I grin evilly and rub her hair.

20 minutes later

Finally she's awake now, damn how long did she woke up, it's so fucking 4 hours.

She got up and yawn, she walks forward at me and said. 'Weird'

"Sir, I want to sign some resignation letter for you....I want to quit." She said while a tear escape from her two eyes.

I was worriedly stand up and pat her back to comfort her.

" ok, I will sign you resignation, but in one condition..." I said with some evil grin. "What is it Mr. President?,  I will do anything for you, as you treat me nice lately" she said. " you said you will anything, right?" I said and she nod, as I smirk.

" I want you be my Slave" I said while pinching her chin.

She was shock, as in that her eyes will fall. " you okay with that right?" I said as she nervously nodded. 'Good Girl'.

*time skip"

I was now at the meeting  area when someone interrupt our conversation.

The person who interrupt us was no one other than my Girlfriend,  she was rushing at me and hug me like there's no tomorrow. I look at my sides who were glaring at me. I loosen the hugged from her and said.
"Look, can't you see that we are in the middle on an important meeting?" I said while gesturing her to go outside.
"Huh?, so you want me to go outside, is this meeting important to you, than me.  I came here just to see you if you are okay, you know that I rush here from England to here, and that's what you greet me 'go outside' wow good work. Then fine I will go out hope we will not be able to see each other again....Lets Break up" she said while walking out of the door.

I finally  scew it up..and the again someone knock on my door, my eyes widen when I my Ex.
Girlfriend who leave me, for that damn dream.

What will happen next will she and him?

Will be able to go back again or will he choose Lisa over her? 

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