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The guys and I arrived. We parked and entered to the closes entry, which was next to store called 'Dodger Clubhouse'.

The guys and I went inside for a minute. I've never seen it nor heard about it, it was so blue.They literally had shirts of every player, its crazy.

Hopefully I was lucky enough to see merchandise with my surname on it. We stepped and luckily found Will and Chris at the spot.

"You guys checking out the clubhouse?" Will asked as he steps into the store alongside Chris

"Yeah we actually went inside so Cody experience how fortunate it is to be a Dodger" Corey answers as soon a I cut his sentence with "Believe me, I know that".

"Is Alex still coming? Chris asked as he looked at the parking lot

"Yeah he texted me he's on his way here" Corey answers

"Cool, in other words. How are you feeling about the Giants" Chris asked

"To tell you the truth, I can't wait to play" I answer. I was eagered. My dad was professional player back in his day, and as a kid I quickly loved the game. I would say I'm looking forward to it since I got drafted with the Dodgers.

"Family going to be there?" Will asked as we just stood there forming a circle

"They wouldn't miss it for the world" I reply making sure they knew my family was waiting since I was in little league. A few second later Kike asks where should we eat.

We wander outside the restaurants to see what looks appetizing. We were almost at the end until we saw the sign that read in big red light 'Hard Rock Cafe'.

"What about Hard Rock Cafe?" I suggested

"Looks appetizing"  Kike answers as the rest of the guys nod their head and lift their shoulders.
I check the time on time to make sure we weren't running late.

It was twelve twenty three, shit my parents were going to be picking Sofia at twelve, and we still needed to wait for Alex. We went inside and went for a table next to a staircase.

We went for a table that could fit six guys. I told the guys I'd be stepping outside to call my parents, so they don't wonder I have gone. I get my phone from my back pocket and dial Sofia.

— sofia's pov —

My parents were having a conversation so I decided to put on my earphones. I didn't want to disturb with the music I was listening too.

I looked at my window and took in how beautiful LA was. Me and my family moved to LA seven months ago and I loved every single part of it. As soon I was moving on to the next song, Cody was calling me, I picked the call.


"Hey Sofia, are you guys on your way to the stadium?

"Yeah but dad is taking the streets, and looks like traffic hour, and I think were going to make a quick a gas break"

"Okay cool cool. No, I was going to say some of the guys and I came to city walk to celebrate my debut and I was wondering if its cool if I'm a little late"

"No, it's alright. I think we be there in a hour because of all this traffic swarming towards us. Anyways go and have fun, I'll tell mom and dad"

"Got it. Thanks"

"Yeah no problem"



I take off my earphones and make the announcement to mom and dad

"Cody is going to be a little late, he's celebrating with some guys of the team" I explain as I get close to them as I get in the middle of the backseat.

"Oh that's fine. Did he tell you where they were?" Mom asked curiously as she faced me

"City Walk" I answer knowing the answer

               — cody's pov —

I head back into the restaurant and as soon as I sit down Alex happened to appear. We all get up and greet the brother. Alex was strong-willed and admire that of him. Alex and I are from Arizona which was cool.

We talk about the different cities we've been to, we related to some things.The guys all greeted Alex with a different handshake. When we were done with our handshakes we sat back down.

"BIG DAY BRO, HOW ARE WE FEELING?" Alex exclaims as he smiles, sounding happy for me. He crossed his arms in front of his chest waiting for an answer

"Lucky and grateful for sure man. Happy to be apart of this team" I explain as I glaze upon the guys.

"AWW" Everybody joins in harmony

"We're glad to have you here" Corey responds as a waitress approaches our table and asks

"Are you gentlemen ready to order" A nice lady with an denim ace bib apron and a navy collar shirt and black pants and shoes asked.

I look around and see the guys are not ready and I tell...Lucy, naming her that because of her tag that we aren't ready.

"Ok got it, I'll come back in a few minutes" Lucy said as she placed her notepad and pen into her apron

"What's to eat?....Whats to eat?" Chris wondered as him and guys raise our menus and read off from the menu.

The guys and I took about three and a half minutes to decide what we were going to eat. The waitress comes back and told us.

You guys got it down already" She says as she looks around "Okay I'll start from left to right" she adds

Chris leads off following Alex, Will, Corey, Kike,and me.

After about two minutes Lucy finishes off the menu for six guys

"Ok well try our best to not try to make you guys wait a long time" She explains knowing how much us were

              — sofia's pov —

Ever since the time Cody called me where we still stuck in traffic, but we weren't in rush anymore, we needed to kill time while Cody was celebrating with his teammates.

In about eight minutes my dad made it to the nearest gas station. I took off my earphones and and got off of the car with mom and dad. As soon my dad opens the door for me and mom, he tells me go get a snack, and not trying to miss this opportunity for food, I quickly respond with a yes.

I quickly rush myself to get peanut m&m's and water.

"You got your stuff?" Dad asked as saw me placing my m&m's and water in the counter

"Will that be all for today" The attendant asked as she stared to scan the items

"Yeah, can I also get a pump in number six?" Dad asked as he hands the attendant ten dollars.

"Alright, you guys have a nice day" She said politely

"Thank you, you too" Me and dad answered at the same time

When were done filling up the gas tank, Dad decided we should park where was a free open space to park, so we did. For the first couple of minutes we stayed in the car to keep making time.

Mom and dad went back to their conversation and I put on my earphones and heard music. I opened my snack and water and just vibed for a minute.

A U T H O R' S   N O T E

and that's about it for chapter five. I honestly would love to hang out with the boys in blue and actually befriend them. Note to self: listening to music while writing is the best thing ever.
       -a ❤︎

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