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— cody's pov —

As I finish talking with Corey and he heads to the locker room, Sofia calls me.



                               phone call:

sof loaf
Hey Cody we're here. Where are you?

By the gift shop

sof loaf
What do you mean? We are by the gift shop

Did you guys follow the yellow brick road?

sof loaf
Yes Cody, dad took the wheel so blame him

Hey Sofia

sof loaf
Yes hello Cody?

turn to your right

end of phone call

— sofia's pov —

When I heard Cody say "turn to your right" it let me to hear mom screaming. As I turn, I spot Cody hugging mom. Dad was behind mom waiting for his hug. When they finished hugging I make my way to Cody and hug him. Our family was big on hugging.

"Come. Let's go inside" Cody says leading the way between the gates that read top deck. Our family makes way and as we enter those gates we were in complete awe.

"This stadium is so big compare to the one we went to in Phoenix when we were kids. What's the maximum capacity?" I ask Cody as I stare onto the seats that looked like a lot.

"One of my teammates said it's fifty six thousand people. You know what's really cool? The Dodgers have sold out games almost all the time. One time I was at the dugout and it was ninth inning right and there was a game between the Pirates and the score was 5-2. You know being there, I thought we didn't have a chance to win this game, but the crowd was still cheering on the team. By every second they seemed to get louder and louder. The crowds here are totally wild. So, it was the bottom of the ninth inning the bases were loaded and there were two outs. Alex was batting next, he's a great guy and also from Arizona. Anyways, I thought to myself we really need Alex to do a homer if we really wanted to win this. The guys in the outfield were also making sure they themselves got to the bases and didn't give any outs. By the time I reached my water Alex had three balls and one strike. I remember opening the cap when the crowd got really loud and there I see Alex did it, he did a grand slam. We won the Pirates 5-6. As Alex ran by second base the team got up and met him at home plate. The team was full excitement, we started jumping up and down. Other players got a Gatorade gallon cooler and soaked him in all the Gatorade that was left. It was so fun to see the crowds feeling to that walk-off." Cody explains as he remembered everything so vividly

"That's is magic. I honestly can't wait to see this stadium pack up and see the magic" I answer. The Dodger fans are truly magic.

"Cody, that is..wow I can't believe it" Mom said getting closer to Cody

— cody's pov —

Family and BaseballOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz