Welcome to 80s

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Nikki:  The 1980s. The worst fucking decade in human history.
Preppies and keyboards.
And "Just Say No".
It all fucking sucked!
So, What do you do when you are born In the wrong time?
You make it yours.
And that's what we did to the Sunset Strip.
( Red hot" by Mötley Crüe playing)
Shows people walking on the strip
Shows the infamous whisky a go-go
And shows an apartment people climbing in the window
Or people going in a door.
Teens making out on the stairs.

Nikki: we lived just up the street from
The world-famous Whisky a Go-Go
Every weekend kids from the valley
To the beach flooded the strip
And after the shows.
They brought the party to our place.
The cops kicked the door
So many times, we had to nail it shut.
So everyone used the window.
That's Tommy, our drummer.
He makes a lot of bad choices.
Shows Tommy putting his face between a girl's leg.
Tommy: Check this out. You're gonna fucking freak!
Nikki: Speaking of bad choices, that's me, trying to prove how punk I am.
Showing Nikki's arm is on fire.
Man: Kayla. Hey, open the door.
Val: shows me fucking somebody girl in the bathroom.
Man: I know you're in there, Kayla. Come on, open the door.
Girl: Is that really you?
Val: What the fuck do you think?
Nikki: That's Our singer, Val.
She's not thinking of her, She's thinking, " Damn I look good on that flyer."
The girl walks in the room. Revealing Mick sleeping on a bed.
Girl: Hey, are you in the band?
Mick: What band?
Nikki: And Mick Mars. He's alien.
( HmmRed hot. Red hot. Red hot)
Boy: what were you doing?
Girl: Don't worry about it?
Showing Tommy giving head to a girl. Cum flying everywhere.
Nikki: We weren't a band. We were a gang.
Tommy: Holy shit, guys. Here it comes.
Tommy moves back.
(Woman screaming)
Nikki: A gang of fucking idiots.
Seattle of 1967.
Nikki: I guess if I'm gonna tell this story right, we should start with my "happy childhood".
Nikki: So let's go back to before I was Nikki Sixx.
Nikki: Back to Frank Carlton Feranna Jr.
Nikki: That's me. My dad named me after himself, right after he split.
Nikki: Which just left me with three things.
Shows younger Nikki brushing his teeth by the sink. And an overweight middle-aged man walks in the bathroom and slaps Nikki in the face.
Nikki falls to the ground and holds his cheek.
Shows his mother looking at him.
Man: Up and down.
I told you to brush up and down.
Man: Piece of shit!
Nikki: A revolving door of asshole stepfathers.
Younger Nikki: Mom?
Nikki: Her.
Nikki: And Music.
( "Solid Gold Easy Action" by T.Rex playing )
- Life is the same And it always will be...
Woman: Turn it fucking down, Frankie.
Shows a little older Nikki putting up his middle finger.
And turn up the music louder.
- But I can't get any satisfaction. All I want is easy --
A woman walks in and turns off the music and turns to Frank.
Woman: What's that?
Frank: What's it look like?
Woman: Where'd you get it?
Man: He probably stole it.
Frank: Who the fuck is this guy?
Woman: You think I don't know where you got all this shit?!
A woman grabs an album and throws it on the ground.
Frank: So you noticed something I did, For once!
Man: Don't talk to your mother like that, You little prick.
Frank:   Seriously? Who the fuck are you? You know what? I don't care. Because it's going to be another one of you tomorrow, anyways.
Woman: You wanna know who this it's?
Woman: He's another man in my life that you're gonna drive anyway...
Woman: Just like you did your fucking father!
Frank: I was two years old! You bitch!
Frank: He left you!
They glare at each other. She leans close to Nikki and brush's a side of a lock of his hair.
Woman: Then how come he never tried to call you then, Frankie?
Nikki throws his bass and slams it in the wall.
Nikki: Fuck you! Get the fuck outta here!
Woman: Open the fucking door, Frankie!
Nikki throws his bookshelf to the ground.
He flips up his mattress up and pulls out a switchblade.
Woman: God damn it!
Woman: You little shit! Open the fucking door!
He extends the switchblade  and approach's the door
He opens the door
Woman: Open the fucking door-
She gapes at the knife in Nikki's hand.
He carves a slash in his arm.
Woman: No! No, Baby! No! No!
Woman: what are you doing, baby?!
Nikki: And that's when I had my mom arrested.
Mother: Of course I didn't hurt him.
Mother: Frankie, Will you please tell her what happened?
Mother: I gave birth to him.
Woman: Calm down...
Mother: He is my son.
Mother: I am calm.
Mother: Frankie.
A cop approach's Nikki
Mother: Frank, you need to be honest about what happened.
Cop: So, you're sticking to your story?
Cop: she attacked you with a knife?
Nikki's Mom mouths "No".
Nikki: Yep.
Nikki's Mom shakes her head.
The cop sits down.
Cop: Here's what's going to happen, Frank.
Cop: If we take her away, the state is gonna put you in a juvenile home until you're 18.
Cop: Is that what you want?
Nikki stares. Later Nikki sits on a couch hanging his head.
Mother: it's not my fault!
Cop: I'm going to give you a moment with your son.
Cop: Behave yourself.
Nikki's Mom hands are cuffed behind her back. She moves closer to frank.
Mom: Why are you doing this? I'm your mother!
Frank: Are you fucking kidding me?
Frank: I wanted a mom, but you only care about yourself and all of your stupid boyfriends.
Mom: Listen to me, Frankie.
Frank: No, you listen to me, Okay?
Frank: I'm not going to see you. I'm not going to answer to you.  You're just gonna leave me alone...
Frank: Deana.
He turns and walks away from her.
Mother: Frankie...
Nikki stops and turns back.
Mother: Fine.
Mother: Do what you want.
Nikki: Maybe I wanted her to care, but fuck it I knew what needed It just took me a while to get there.
Los Angeles 1978
Nikki: I ended up on the streets of Hollywood.
Nikki: I was broke and starving, and I had no one to trust, So I made the mistake that many unwanted children make.
Nikki: I went chasing ghosts.
In 1978 18 teen-year-old Nikki Sixx is at a payphone. A nearly empty bottle of whiskey seats in front of him.
Man: Hello.
Nikki: is this Frank Feranna?
Man: Who this?
Nikki: Oh, hi, Mr. Feranna.
Nikki: This is your son...
Nikki: Frank Jr.
Nikki: No, my mother is Deana.
Man: Son?  I don't know who you are. Don't call here again.
( disconnected tone)
("On With The Show" by Mötley Crüe playing)
Nikki: That was the last time I spoke to my father.
Nikki: And the last time I used his name.
Next Nikki approach's a clerk. And places a drivers license of him. And change name form in front of him.
Woman: Nikki Sixx?
- 🎵 Some say it was suicide 🎵
-(Woman chuckles)
Nikki nods at the clerk in the front desk.
The file reads November 7, 1980.
🎵But we know🎵
🎵How the story goes...🎵
Nikki glazes at the clerk while he slips the card in his leather jacket.
Nikki stares at the card and lights it on fire. And nod and throws it in the ashtray
🎵With his six-string knife and his streetwise pride🎵
He steps away from the desk.
🎵The boy was a man before his time🎵
🎵And she knew🎵
🎵All their dreams will come true...🎵
🎵Well, On with the show🎵
🎵going on with the show🎵
🎵Come on Baby. 🎵
🎵Oh, my, my, my🎵
🎵My, my, my🎵
🎵Oh, baby🎵
Covina, California 1981
Tommy: Dude! Fuck, yeah! Finally, my turn.
Tommy: How much time is Nikki gonna get in this movie, bro? Fuck!
Tommy: This dude tried to put his own mother in jail, man.
Tommy: I mean, I love him, but sometimes, it's dysfunction junction over there, You know what I mean?
Shows pictures of Tommy and his family.
Tommy: See, I'm not like that.
Tommy: I'm just a fucking hopeless romantic.
Tommy: all love all the time.
Tommy sits on his bed and swinging his drums sticks through his fingers.
( knocks at the door)
Tommy dad walks in
Tommy: Yeah.
T-bone's dad: Hey.
Tommy: Hey.
T-bone's Dad: So, who's on tonight?
Tommy: those dudes
He points at a poster on his wall of London
Tommy: They've been selling out weekends at the Starwood, which is, like, huge.
Dad: Pretty rad, man.
Tommy: Good try, Pop.
Dad: Your mom made dinner. You coming down?
Tommy: I'm already late to pick up my girl.
Dad: You got a new girlfriend?
Tommy gets up off his bed. And smiles at his dad and slaps his shoulder.
Tommy: But I think I'm really in love this time for real.
Tommy wears leopard pants and a yellow t-shirt.
He looks in the mirror of himself, and smiles and touches his brown long hair. He throws up the devil horns at the mirror.
Tommy: Aah
Tommy's mom is downstairs serving dinner.
And kisses his father.
Athena; Thanks, Mom.
Mom: you're welcome
Tommy smiles at his parents then look at his parents in disgust.
Tommy: God! Get a room, guys.
Tommy's mom: Eat. You're too skinny.
Athena teases Tommy about his legs.
Athena: Yeah, chicken legs!
Tommy: you got 'em too.
Athena gaped in surprise that Tommy got her. Leggings on.
Athena: Oh, my god! Those are my pants. Mom!
Tommy: But...  They look so much better on me!
Tommy: later, creators!
Athena: Mom!
Athena: you should have told him to take them off!
Tommy says bye to his parents and walks out the door.  Tommy slings his arm around his girlfriend. And walked out of the club.
Tommy: That rocked!
Tommy: it was way better than last time!
Girl: Didn't they fight each other last time!
Tommy: That was a rad part!
Tommy: Two, please
Tommy sees Nikki Sixx from the band he just saw. He looks at him with wide eyes.
He taps his girlfriend.
Tommy: Dude! Dude!
Tommy: Don't look. Wait.
Tommy: Okay, look now,
She looks at Nikki and turns to Tommy.
Tommy: but don't look like you're looking.
Tommy: Oh, fuck!
Tommy: that's Nikki fucking Sixx.
Girl: Who?
Tommy: from the band we just saw.
Tommy: should I go talk to him.
Girl: Yeah, I guess.
Tommy gets up and walks towards Nikki.
Tommy: Be right back.
Tommy slaps his shoulder and smiles.
Nikki looks at him weirdly.
Tommy: Hey, that was badass too.
Tommy: The show, not the nose, But...
Tommy: Nose was pretty badass too.
Nikki: The singer was an asshole.
Tommy: I know. I saw.
Tommy: Hey, fuck him, though. He deserved it.
Tommy blurts out
Tommy: I got your poster on my bedroom wall.
Tommy looks at Nikki embarrassed.
Tommy: I can't believe I just said that
Nikki: Take the poster down man London over.
Tommy sits down across my Nikki.
His girlfriend groans and buries her head in her hands laying on the table.
Dottie: Anything else I can get you, boys?
Nikki:  could I get a jack and coke?
She looks at Tommy.
Dottie: And for you hun?
Tommy: Blueberry pancakes, please.
Nikki: My new band is gonna be something nobody ever fuckin' seen before.
Tommy points at an ad on the Newspaper Nikki had on the table.
Tommy: that. Dude looks pretty cool.
Tommy swings his drumsticks around his finger.
Nikki looks at Tommy amazed.
Nikki: Do you carry those with you everywhere?
Tommy: Yeah.
Nikki: where'd you learn to do that?
Tommy: High school marching band.
Tommy: Hey, But I rock too.
Nikki: Thank you, Dottie.
Dottie: only for you.
Nikki gulps down his jack quick as hell.
Tommy looks at him in awe.
Shows him and Tommy rocking out at Nikki's apartment. shows a blond boy playing the electric guitar offbeat.
Nikki looks at him like "what the fuck" look.
Nikki: Whoa!
Nikki: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
They stop playing.
Nikki: What the fuck dude?
Nikki: That's not what I showed you, man.
Blond hippie: Yeah I know, but it's not like anything I've played before, man.
Nikki: That's the fucking point man.
Nikki: Let's take me to break.
Blond hippie: Well, I...
Nikki: Tommy, outside.
Blond hippie: Tommy.
Tommy smiles at the blond 
Tommy: it's all good man.
And walks outside with Nikki.
They are smoking a cigarette leaning against the wall.
Nikki: Shit.
Nikki: I'm just not feeling it, man.
Tommy looks at Nikki.
Nikki: I can't put my...
Tommy: He's rhythm guy, man.
Tommy: we'll sound better when we find a lead.
A black car pulls up with loud rock music blasting and a black-haired older man walks out of the car.
Tommy: Holy shit.
Nikki: Check this dude out.
The man struggling to get something out of it
Tommy runs down the stairs to help him
Tommy: Fuck.
Tommy: Whoa, dude. You. Got it.
Tommy: Here for the audition?
Man: Yep.
Tommy introduces himself to the man.
Tommy: Well, I'm Tommy.
Man: Mick mars.
Tommy: I'm the drummer.
Mick: Scrawny for a drummer.
Tommy defends himself.
Tommy: I used to be in a suite 19, so...
Mick: Shitty name.
Tommy:  Hey, man did you ever see us play?
Mick: Suite 19.
Mick: Yeah.
Mick: Don't need to.
Mick: Band with a shitty name, ten times out of ten, Shitty band.
Mick greets Nikki.
Mick: Hey.
Walks in the room
Nikki: Hey, man.
Mick  Carries the equipment with Tommy inside.
Tommy: What the fuck do you know?
Mick: Been in a lot of bands. With shitty names.
Nikki: So you think you got it?
Mick: Just fucking. Play it.
They starting playing. Mick looks at the hippie play and starts his own solo. The hippie couldn't keep up.
Blonde hippie: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold up.
Hippie: Hey, mind turning down a little bit
Hippie: old-timer? I can't hear myself.
Hippie: Jesus.
Mick turns around and looks at Nikki.
Mick: fucking hippie ain't going to make it.
Nikki: So tell him
Mick turns to the blond.
Mick: Listen to me.
Mick: There's only room for one guitar player in this band and it's me.
Mick : So why don't you...
Pack your toys and go home?
Hippie: Okay, I was here first , all right?
He looks at tommy
Blonde: Tommy, tell him.
Tommy purposely drops his drumstick and acts like he going to get it.
He looks at Nikki.
Nikki shrugs at him.
Blonde: Really!
Blonde: You're going to pick this old guy. Over me?
He walks toward the door and turns back to look at the guys.
Blonde: Then, fuck you guys, man.
And your shitty band.
He cries and runs out and slams the door.
Tommy: So,how old you  mick?
Mick: fuck You. You fucking teenager.
Tommy would did I say?
Mick: Yeah.
To these kids, I was fucking ancient.
But they didn't know I was becoming a fucking cripple too.
Ankylosing spondylitis.
It's a degenerative bone disease.
It affects the joints and the ligaments
That allows your spine to move.
It's not a disease
It's a curse
It's like hot, quick-drying drying cement
Growing on the inside of your spine.
Making it so heavy, over the years,
It starts to pull you to the ground.
Mick: you're Godamn right I'm old .
Old enough to know better
Than to waste my time fucking around
With a bunch of rugs- monkeys,
I'm paying child support
And sleeping on park benches,
So I need to know
You're not pulling dick here
'Cause I'm looking to go the distance.
And it's not you guys, let's not waste the fucking time.
Nikki: I fucking love this weird little guy.
Tommy: He's a real dude.
Tommy tries to high five mick. But me just looks at him.
Tommy: Sorry.
Who does the singing in this band?
Nikki: what we need is a girl that looks like David Lee Roth with a vibe like fucking bowie.
Nikki: and I'm not settling for some regular looking, normal-sounding asshole.
Mick: So... We're looking for a skinny blonde fucker with moves.
Tommy: Wait I think I know our girl, dudes.
Tommy and the guys walk-in a party in a backyard.
Nikki grabs a bottle of Jack out of someone hand.
A blonde girl singing on a stage. Girls are screaming going crazy try to get her attention.
Music starts playing Billy Squier

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