Chapter 6:

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Nikki: Fuck. Razzle was dead. The people in the other car were both critically injured. Val was arrested for drunk driving and vehicular manslaughter. She was sentenced to 30 days in jail. But only served 19 on the condition that she stayed sober.
Announcer: The Mötley crüe front lady paid 2.5 million in restitution, and some wonder if the consequences are harsh enough for the singer whose actions resulted in tragedy . Val was my band mate, my best friend, my sister( I'm going straight to hell😂). And I didn't support her in any way whatsoever. Why wasn't I there for her? It was simple. I'd fallen head over heels in love. And she was the sweetest thing I'd ever known. She made me feel all the warmth and happiness I never knew as a child. Her name was
Shows the guys,excluding Val . In their rehearsal room. Nikki sitting high in a chair playing his bass, Tommy banging his head on the cymbals of his drums. And mick is sitting in a chair holding a bottle of vodka in his hand cradling it in his chest like a baby.
Tom: Hey, what's taking so long? Val got out of jail, like, three months ago. They should be on tour by now.
Doc: Are you out of your fucking mind? Look at' em. They're a fucking mess.
Tom: No shit. Look, man, my boss is killing me. We need to get them to finish that record and get back on the road.
Doc: Yeah. I'll get 'em on tour, but you guys, you think you own them because you own their own their music, right? Well, then, it's on you and your fucking label if one of those idiots comes back in a body bag.
Tom: Just... get them back on the road. All right.
Val walks in the rehearsal room
Val: Yo.
Tommy: what's up, dude?
Nikki: Hey,man.
Val: Hey.
Nikki: I got, um the lyrics. I made a couple of adjustments, but... I think you may like Em.
Val: "Home Sweet Home"?
Nikki: It's been too long, buddy.
Nikki shows Val a line of coke.
Nikki: Here. Have a bump with me.
Val: I just got out of fucking jail. you're an asshole.
Nikki: Wanna show her the melody.

Val leans and sniffs the coke up her nose. And then run quickly to the trash to throw up .
Val: what the fuck was that?
Nikki: that was smack.
Tommy chuckles, and Val is fuming .
Val: you guys slip me smack, and I'm the fucking problem? Yeah. I know what you're thinking . I'm a monster. I killed Razzle , yeah. Could have happened to any one of you!
Val quickly walks to the door, and slams it.
Mick: Nice job, Nikki.
Nikki: The craziest thing about all this ... is I thought it was Val who was fucking up the band.
Shows Nikki laying in his bed, holding a pillow close to his chest, tears stain his face. While His voice machine his playing.
Deana: Frankie... this is your mom. Look, I know that you're busy, yeah being a big star and all. I'd just really like to talk to you sometime. Call me back, Okay? You must have gotten the selfish gene from your father, 'Cause this is very selfish, what you're doing. It's just... I just miss you... Frankie. Talk to me, please? Damn it, Frankie.
Shows Tommy and his fiancée Heather Locklear talking backstage while the other guys are on stage.
Tommy: Okay, do I have to let you go?
Heather: Baby! Come here. You have a little...
Heather tries to wipe the red lipstick off of Tommy's face.
T-bone: No, leave it. It'll remind me of you.(Tommy is a hopeless fucking romantic😂, like damn his second wife Pamela Anderson they got married after knowing each other for 4 days like what the fuck😂)
Heather: Okay. Just take it off before dinner with Daddy tonight, okay?
Tommy: Yeah.
They kiss.
Heather: Bye, baby
Tommy: Bye.
Tommy: Yeah.
Nikki: is that one gonna be a problem?
Tommy: what? She's great.
Nikki: you're lucky she's hot.
Tommy: I know. She's super hot,right? I think I'm in love mick.
Sharise and Skylar walks in.
Val: Hey, man. Oh, Skylar, is it time to go already?
She picks Skylar up and put her on her lap.
Sharise: Say bye to Daddy. We're going to be late. Come on.
Skylar: Mommy!
She tries to reach for Val. But Sharise grabs her back.
Sharise: Come on, we're leaving .
Skylar: Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!
Sharise: she wants me. Stop. I know baby.
Sharise: Bye, Val. I know baby.
Val: Bye, Sharise.
Sharise: it's okay , baby.
Nikki: is this bring your fucking girlfriend to work day?
Tommy laughs.
Mick: I wish I had a girlfriend. ( weak asf😂 poor Mickey )
Nikki: I know Mick. I know.
Doc: Well, at least the album's great.
Val; the album blows, Doc.
Doc: what are you talking about? " Smoking' In the Boys Room" is gonna be huge. Come on! "Home Sweet Home" everyone knows that's a hit.
Val: Two decent songs. The rest is pure shit. Believe me , I know. I'm gonna be the only one sober up there every night trying to sell it.
Doc: Well, I believe in you guys. Look.
Doc shows Val his tattoo of their upcoming album entertainment of death.
Val: Look. You know Nikki changes to Theatre of Pain last night, right?
Doc: Of course he did. Go get some rest, buddy.
Doc: Fuck me. Theatre of Pain.
Nikki: Are we over Cambodia yet?
Tommy: No, dude. Colombia ? I've gotta ask you something, man. And I need A serious answer.
Nikki: Go for it.
Tommy: Heather and me. We're making it. Official, and I officially wanna make you my best man. You're my brother, dude. Okay, she's gonna be my wife, and I can't imagine being up there without you, bro. Will you do it?
Nikki: Do what ?
T-bone: Be my best man, come on!
Nikki: of course I'll do it.
Tommy: Thank you.
Nikki: Are we gonna rock Denver tonight or what T-bone?
Tommy: it's Kanas City, man, of course, he doesn't know where we're going! I mean, dude ... how the fuck can you keep track? You wanna know what life on the road's really like? For me, every day went something like this...
Shows Tommy in a hotel room, walking showing him handcuffed to the bed. He groans, and realized he had handcuffs on he breaks them off.
Five pm . Phone rings. Wake up.
Remember nothing.
Seven-thirty p.m
Hang out backstage
Doc: There he is.
Drink. Come back to life.
Tommy: Hey, Tom!
Tom: Hey. What's up,man?
Tommy punches him in the balls, Tom falls and groans in pain.( T-bone did Tom wrong 😂)
Tom: Argh!
Meet record and radio creeps. Listen to 'em ask, "Do you remember pissing in that cop car last night"?
Nine-thirty p.m show time
Adrenaline kicks in.
Girls, girls, girls
Dancing' down on the sunset Strip
Girls, girls,girls
Ten-thirty, motherfucker, drum solo in a giant spinning steel cage.
Eleven-fifteen, finish show.
Walk of stage hyperventilating.
Make sure to call fiancée before the real party starts. Try your best to sound sober.
Tommy: Hey,babe.
Heather: Hi, Babe.
Tommy: the show was fucking crazy.
Heather: it was?
Tommy: I miss you. I'm in Massachusetts. Babe, I'm gonna call you right back.
Shows a girl walking towards Tommy giving him a blowjob.
Heather: Wait...
God I'm so weak. One a.m.
shows the guys on a jet. While a woman serving them drugs and drinks.
The stewardess serves up some drugs and drinks.
Val: Thank you.
For Val, sleeping pills.
For Mick, vodka.
For Nikki and me, Zombie dust, which keeps the body aware and shuts the brain off, man.
Four a.m. arrive in new city. Go straight to the nearest strip club.
Drink, snort and fuck everything in sight.
Tommy walks over to Val takes her money and walks off.
Tommy: Oh! I'm so sorry. Hey,vally !
Hey, I need to borrow..
Val: Hey.
Tommy: No. Hey. I'm good for it, man I'll give it back.
Val: Come on, man!
And, hey, be sure to tip big. Don't be fucking stingy.
Goddamn, I love strippers.(😂 )
Tommy throws up on the stripper.
So sorry. I am so sorry.
Six a.m. Back at the hotel.
Completely shit-faced. Hey, your food is ready!
He knocks on the door, and throws the food on the wall.
Ah, this is a nice place.
Time to redecorate.
Tommy destroys the hotel room
Yeah, move the Tv over here.
Doc comes in the room.
Doc: what is wrong with you?
T-bone: Don't fucking come in here.
Tommy yells crazily
Doc: Stop it!
Tommy: Fuck you, Doc.
Tommy charges Doc, doc punches Tom and handcuffed him to the bed.( kinky, me likey😂)
Next thing you know, get handcuffed to the bed by Doc.
Doc: Stupid face... Goodnight.
Five a.m
Phones rings
Wake up
Remember nothing

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