Anastasia POV

I was running in an inhuman speed in a forest chasing something. I was not sure what it was, but I could hear the growls emanating, so I assumed it was an animal? There were other people who were sprinting beside me, also chasing the animal. I used the tree branches to my advantage and covered a lot more distance by moving like a monkey. Just as I was about to fall off a branch, I was caught in strong hands. When I looked up, I was met with warm brown eyes which had concern written all over the face. I was carefully placed on the ground and instantly resumed running. Finally, I stopped running as I had reached a big lake. I had lost the animal that I was chasing by mere seconds because of my small slip. Deciding that the animal could not have gone far, I plunged into the water and before I knew I slipped and fell on my butt. That was when I realized that it was only a dream.

This was always the case. I had this dream once a month. Precisely every first day of a new month. Today was first of September - my favorite month as school starts after summer vacation and also my birthday month. School excites me unlike many. Its fun to be at school to learn new things and also hang out with my friends. I don't have a lot of friends, but that's because I am different. Different how? I don't know. Some say I am nerdy, few others say am boring. I usually never give heed to what others think or say. But I never let them bully me. I always stand up for myself and also anyone who needs help. 

"Ana! We are going to the mall today. Come down in fifteen minutes." I heard my mother yell from the living room. I cringed at that.

I never liked shopping. And definitely never window shopping. It was a waste of time. We usually go to the mall and do some window shopping every now and then. My mother loves to sew dresses when she does not teach Math at school. So she goes around expensive stores to get some ideas and recreate the same at a much cheaper rate. You might think it's plagiarism , but what she does is, combine different designs and create a masterpiece. She has limited clientele - few of her friends, few of my friends and me. 

"Alright" I quickly replied and got off the bed to get ready. 

Once I was down, we quickly had breakfast and left to the mall. 

On our way, she listed a few items which she needed from the mall and also insisted that I get some new clothes for school. I made a face and gave in as I was actually in need of some wardrobe change. While I went to a local store in the mall, my mother went to check out new collection from the expensive stores. I was done shopping in less than an hour. As I was walking out of the store asking my mother where she was, I bumped into someone. 

"Sorry, I was not looking." I apologized and picked up the bags that had fallen down.

"It's quite alright, I was also not seeing where I was going." came a soft voice from above me.

Standing up, I saw a beautiful lady giving me a dazzling smile. I had never seen anyone radiate so much positivity with just a simple smile. I could say she was wealthy by the way she was dressed in that elegant emerald green shirt and black trousers. She had very minimal make up and her hair was up in a bun. 

I quickly smiled at her and walked away to my mother who was coming towards me from the opposite direction carrying a few bags. "I got your birthday dress." she squealed as I approached her and I flinched at that tone. The entire floor could have heard her. 

I rolled my eyes and said "I don't need one. Never have and -"

"Well, it is your last birthday in high school and you are getting one. No arguments." she said sternly. 

I sighed and gave up. Arguing with my mother was useless. She was very accommodative and we hardly argued. She is my best friend. "Am starving, let us grab something to eat." she said and walked away. It was hardly a few hours since we reached the mall and she was hungry already. Sometimes I wondered if I was the responsible one amongst the two.

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