Anastasia POV

"You have to remember these routes atleast Ana." I scolded myself as I was figuring out a way to the common hall from my cottage.

"Lost again?" asked a voice.

"Jason! Oh thank god you are here." I cried in relief

He chuckled and shook his head. "It's almost a week and you still do not know the simple route from here to the common hall?"

"Don't blame me, it's always a little dark and I think I maybe directionally challenged." I said laughing lightly.

"Well, we will see what we can do about it." he said walking along with me to the common hall.

"So, have you finished your essay on the history of Raquaza?" I asked

"Yup, I turned it in yesterday." he said

"What? Already? We were given time until next week though." I said surprised.

"Yes, but why wait when I was finished with it." he said shrugging

I rolled my eyes and took a seat at a table to have my breakfast and start the day.

"How are you holding up so far?" He asked me after we came back to our table with food.

"It has been okay I think. You are the only person who talks to me without any malice apart from the professors. Study sessions are almost alright. I love to read, so I am a little ahead in a few things, but of course I have a lot of catching up to do. And am yet to start my weapon training. Apparently my teacher is away on some business meeting at Kineria." I said in one go.

"Business meeting?" He asked me puzzled

"That's what I was informed when I enquired at the front desk." I told him.

He looked thoughtful and then his eyes widened with some sort of realization.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked him urgently

"I think I know who your trainer is. It's none other than -" he was cut off mid sentence when we heard another voice beside us.

"Anastasia Immer, please follow me." said the front desk official.

"Oh, what happened?" I asked.

"Your family is outside. That is all am aware of." she said and walked away swiftly and I was running behind her to keep up and not get lost again.

"Ana!" my mom called out and hugged me tightly.

"Mom! How have you been?" I asked her smiling brightly at her

"Am good honey, how are you? How is the academy? Are you having fun?" she asked me.

"Am fine mom. Am not sure if always studying and getting lost is fun." I cribbed.

She laughed and ruffled my hair. "I thought I was not going to see you till the weekend. However, we are going to meet Ines now, so I was all the more ready to meet you now."

"Oh, we are meeting Ines now?" I asked her incredulously

"Oh yes, Nathaniel has returned. We were waiting for him. Now that he is here, we start from where we left." said my mom engrossed in her own world.

Nathaniel? The future Supreme Leader? We were waiting for him all this time?

"How are Riley, Christina and Nadia?" I asked my mom.

"They are all fine. You will meet them when you come to meet the Supreme Leader this weekend." she said as we walked towards a carriage waiting for us.

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