Anastasia POV

In the last two weeks, we had enough school work that time literally flew by and I was also selected in the athlete team. I always made it into the team. I ran decently and was pretty good at high jump and javelin throw. Meanwhile, Asher and Mary were going strong as well. In fact he had become our friend too. Today however, I was not working at the cafe.

"Did you take note of homework in History today?" asked Riley as we were walking back home.

"Yes, I did. I'll text you what it is." I replied.

"Are you excited? It's your birthday tomorrow. You better be. Your mom and I have planned a lot" she said in delight.

I smiled at her and jokingly said "Should I be scared?"

She huffed and said "Chill, we remember your conditions. No big party, no expensive gifts, blah blah blah."

I was impressed that she remembered the things I had told. I was not an introvert, but that doesn't mean I should invite and be friendly with the entire school. I liked my set of friend - Riley, Christina and Nadia. We were close friends. Christina and Nadia had gone on a vacation and were returning tonight so that they could be here for my birthday.

"So what are you going to do after you get home tonight?" Riley asked me casually.

"Not sure, just finish off with homework and probably go for a run. It's been a long time since I ran. I should get back in the groove. I've been slacking this entire summer." I said seriously.

She nodded her head and said "You do that, while I will go and sleep."

"Seriously? That you are going to go home and sleep? On my birthday?" I asked incredulously.

She giggled and squealed "You know me too well. Yes, am coming home for a sleepover after dinner."

I grinned at her and we parted ways to go to our respective homes.

After I was done with homework, I informed mom that I was going for a run and stepped out. It was about forty five minutes into my run did I realize that someone was either following me or watching me continuously. It creeped me out. The sun was starting to set and daylight would be gone in a few minutes. I was in a known and safe neighborhood, but I didn't want to take any risk. Immediately I increased my pace and reached home soon. In my rush to enter, I jabbed my big toe in a stone and it started bleeding as my nail broke in-spite of my shoes. I cursed and went inside hopping.

"Dinner is ready. I've made your favorite lasagna." Mom said smiling.

I beamed at her and made way to my room. Quickly showering I came down to have dinner. Just as we finished dinner, Riley joined us. Usually mom, Riley and me stay awake on my birthday night and take off the next day. We just hang out and watch some nice movie or occasionally go to the mall. We did the same tonight as well. The clock struck twelve and the two of them wished me and we even cut a small cake that mom had baked earlier when I had gone out for a run. Gifts and a bigger cake was saved for the evening where Christina and Nadia would be joining us. That was our tradition. We did it for all our birthdays.

It was way past midnight when Riley and I felt sleepy. Mom had slept sometime while we were watching Hunger Games. We didn't bother going to our rooms and slept on the couch in different directions.

In the morning, Mom wished me again and made me some amazing chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. Riley meanwhile gave me my gift which was a beautiful silver bracelet with different charms.

"This is so pretty." I said admiring the bracelet.

"I know right. Someone helped me select it though." She replied smirking

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