Anastasia POV

"So, how do we get to the portal? Or identify a portal?" Riley asked as we were walking.

"The portal is right across the banyan tree in the woods. As to how to identify a portal, I'll let you see it." said Christina

"So it's not visible to everyone?" I asked

"Nope. Only to us." she replied.

I nodded my head and kept following them into the woods with my luggage. It was difficult to walk in the woods with two huge boxes, but I had to pack my things and all these were the essential things I was instructed to bring.

"Aren't you like the King? Why do you also have to walk?" I asked Joseph

He chuckled and said "Yes, you are right. There are different portals, but since this is your first time we are taking the traditional portal. Else, we can actually go in a car."

"Alright we are here." said Sarah after a few more minutes of walking.

I noticed that we were in the dark dense forest. No sane person would come this far into the woods. We had walked for almost two hours to get to this place. I looked around and I did notice the big banyan tree but across the banyan tree there was another tree. Like a mirror image.

"Christina dear do you mind going ahead and waiting for us?" she asked.

Christina nodded and walked towards the banyan tree and shot me wink before walking right into it. My eyes were wide. She just disappeared into the tree. This was like Harry Potter walking into the platform.

"What happened?" I asked panicked

"Christina is on her way to Raquaza. She will reach in less than five minutes." replied Joseph.

"Do you want to go next?" asked my mother.

"No, of course not." I responded

Sarah chuckled and asked her daughter to go ahead. I had learnt that Sarah had three children - Colton, Nathaniel and Tara. Tara was going to get married to Harry in a few months and they were here to find a place for their wedding. Something like destination wedding for them I guess. I rolled my eyes at that. She flashed me a smile and grabbed her fiance's hand. They both walked into the tree and disappeared just like Christina.

"Honey, you should go now." my mother said.

"Will you come with me?" I asked like a little girl scared to go alone.

"Of course, come on." she said and held my hand.

I took a deep breath and walked into the banyan tree holding my mother's hand tightly closing my eyes. I was immediately sucked in and I could feel a rush of air moving past me. I felt like I could not breathe. I was suffocating. Suddenly everything stopped and I felt light on my head. I wanted to puke my guts out. But then, a citrus scent calmed my nerves and I felt completely normal.

When I opened my eyes, the scene in front left me completely speechless. It felt as though I was in a painting. There was a beautiful range of mountains, water gushing out from few of the peaks, vast green land with different flowers and a bright blue sky. I could feel the fresh air around me and a smile formed on my lips.

"This view often tends to do that." said a voice beside me.

"It's beautiful." I whispered scared that if I raised my voice, everything will vanish.

"That it is. This is the perfect time for you to admire this. However, you should see the view from those peak points some time. It's breathtaking." continued the person beside me.

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