Anastasia POV

"Tell me Anastasia, what have you learnt so far?" asked Joseph.

I shrugged and said, "Not much, I've learnt a little about Raquaza, about the wars, and also about a few weapons."

"Oh, yes. Weapon training. You will be starting soon." he said nodding his head.

"Yes, that's what they said." I told him.

"What weapon are you planning to choose?" he continued to ask

"Am not sure just yet. I would probably try a few and then decide which would be better for me. Or my teacher could help me with that." I answered.

He continued to nod his head and ask a few other questions. We were comfortably seated in his study room which was very huge. Could almost fit in my entire house in this. There were huge chandeliers which lit the room really well and there were also windows which ventilated the place.

After a gruelling session of meeting with Joseph, I was taken to my mother's suite by an attendant. Finally, I'd be able to meet her and my friends after a long time. Just as I entered I was ambushed by something or someone.

"I can't breathe!" I huffed out.

"Oh, am sorry!" Riley said and crushed me more in her embrace.

"Riley!" I whined.

She giggled and let me go, while Christina and Nadia gave me decent hugs.

"What have you girls been up to?" I asked them.

"Nothing much actually, we were studying from here. But we will be joining the academy next week." said Christina in excitement.

"Yeah, I was wondering why I was sent there directly while you guys could enjoy here at the castle." I said frowning.

"We have no idea." said Nadia.

"Why study from here when the academy is practically a few minutes away." I pondered more.

"Will you just let it go?" My mom asked as she brought in some hot tea and snacks for us.

"Mom! I missed you." I said hugging her.

"We met yesterday. Hush now, let's get started. How is the academy?"

Ah, the great family reunion. I told them about everything that happened from the time I saw Jason up till now.

"So, people kind of hate you?" asked Nadia after hearing about the commotion the students created when Colton introduced me.

"Am not sure. There are reasons for them to hate me." I told in a low voice. I was still on edge with it. I don't think I'll ever let go until I find out what happened.

"So do we have homework?" asked Riley breaking the tension.

"Yes Riley, we have lots of homework. In fact I've brought some here." I said and laughed at her disgusted face.

I didn't know that I was so tired that I slept off talking to my friends while sitting on the couch. Apparently, even they had slept on the couches. Surprisingly I was the first to wake up and my mother was still asleep on the bed. I walked out of the suite without making any noise.

Once I was out, I wished that I hadn't. I had no clue as to where to go. There were big empty corridors with huge portraits hung on the walls. The sun was slowly rising casting it's light on the walls. I kept walking until the end of the corridor and was confused to take left or right.

"I would suggest you take right." I heard a familiar voice.

I snapped my head in the direction of the voice to find Colton looking at me amused. "Lost again?" he asked me smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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