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"I'm Sherlock Holmes and no one can compete with my massive intellect." John mocked as he once again was left outside of a building while the consulting detective looked for clues inside the flat. 
Sherlock comes out with his usual all knowing grin and walks off to the next place.
"Find anything?"

"Of course, and are you going to ever come up with better banter?"

"Well if you would just let me in I wouldn't have to say those things."

"Oh John, you can be so fun to tease."

Back at their flat, Sherlock was laying on the couch in his thinking position.
John was typing away on his blog when a gasp made him jump, he's still not used to him doing that.
"I've got it John, it all makes sense now."


"She hasn't been in her flat for three days, and her phone was left behind at work unlocked so anyone could get into it, she wanted someone to open it, she wanted the creepy co worker to read her text, she sent herself those text to make him believe that she was actually kidnapped." He smiled softly, "oh she's clever, she wanted to get away from him but didn't know how to be up front, poor thing shy and what not."

"So if she wasn't actually kidnapped, where is she?"

"Why is it only he filed a missing person report? Where's her family? Boyfriend? No one else reported her missing. Because they don't live around here and she went to them."

"Brilliant, so how do we get her to come back so her work stops panicking?"

"Oh simple, lets go."

When they get to her work, Sherlock gets her phone and calls "mum" no answer, "dad" no answer, "Ethan ❤️" no answer.
He settled with mum and sent a text, this is Sherlock Holmes, I would like to make sure that Cassie is fine so people can relax that she is not hurt.
Within ten minutes the phone rang.
John watched as Sherlock talked,
"This is he."
"Because there was a missing person report for you, I wanted to make sure you're alright."
"Ah Yes, him, I've met him, very creepy indeed."
As john listened to the one-sided conversation, the boss and creepy co-worker walked up.
"Is he talking to her?"

"I believe so."

"Cassie, Cassie please talk to me." The creep shouted.

"Lenard keep your voice down. What has got you so upset?"

"Hold on Cassie." He pulls the phone away and looks at Lenard, "in regards to cassie, you need to leave her alone, you're a creep and she does not want your annoying attention."

"What, but we.."

"Never had a thing and were never going to have a thing. Get it through your thick skull, she. Does. Not. Like. You."

After all that was settled and Lenard was fired, for being an overall creep, and also because Sherlock deduced that he was stealing money, Cassie agreed to come back. Another case solved.

A few days pass no new mystery to solve, Sherlock was doing experiments in the kitchen while John was napping on the couch.
Sherlock peaks into the living room to see him still sleeping.
He walks over to him, careful to not make a sound. He watches fondly as Johns chest rises and falls slowly with every breath he takes.

He reaches out but stops, he shouldn't touch him, but he's so peaceful and cute, Sherlock wants to feel how soft his hair is.
John started to move and Sherlock pulled back but stayed in his spot, only moving to sit on his knees.
When John finally woke up he wasn't surprised to see Sherlock watching him.

"What is it now Sherlock? Testing to see how long someone stays sleeping while someone watches? Trying to see if I have sleep pirellis?"

"No, I was just..admiring."

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