15. M-Virus

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Its been like a week since everything happened with the bird guy. I'm getting dressed cause Peter will be here in like 15 minutes, I didn't go to school today. I just feel horrible, my stomach is killing me but I don't wanna mis this moment. So I put on a dress and a lot of make-up and go downstairs where I wait for Peter. My dad offers Peter to join the avengers. "I rather just stay on the ground for a while. You know, be a friendly neighborhood Spiderman." We all look at him in shock. "Okay, one last chance yes or no?" My dad says. "No." Peter decides. "Okay, Happy will bring you home." Happy nods yes and Peter already goes for the car. Then pepper comes in, "there are reporters waiting are you ready? Where is peter? Did you mess this up?" Pepper rattles. "Peter just made a very mature decision, it surprised the heck out of us all." My dad defends. "What do we tell the reporters?" Pepper asks. "We can reveal Supergirl." I state. "No." My dad immediately fires. "Happy, do you still have the ring?" My dad asks. "Yes." Happy answers. "No we're not doing that. I can come up with something better." Pepper states and they leave into the room with reporters.

This was the end of homecoming, now there will be a little bit of random drama and then infinity war will come.

I go and sit down in my dads lab. My stomach is killing me, but I wanna make a new suit for Peter. He deserves it, so thats what I'm going to do. I start the machines and start working on the outside. I slide files of old suites trough the air and form a new one. When the outlook is done I sit down. Okay I am taking a little break. I'm so tired. I go back up and change into something a little more comfortable. When my dad enters the apartment. "Addy!" He yells. I walk into his office where he is sorting trough a drawer. "What is it?" I ask. "We are going to California." My dad states. My eyes widen. "Whats in California?" I ask. "The so called M-Virus. Its a virus that goes into someone's blood and melts your organs." My dad explains, "owh, fun." I answer. "When are we leaving?" I ask. "As soon as possible." My dad says. "Pack a bag we might be there for a while. Your school already knows you wont come all week." I smile. "Nice." I then walk into my room and grab a bag. After a while I run into my dads room. "Do yo have any aspirin?" I ask. "Yes, why?" My dad looks at me worriedly. "My stomach just hurts." I answer. "Here." He gives me a pack and I grab my bag to put it in the hallway. "Lets go, the jet is ready." My dad says.

After a long flight we land in California and settle in our hotel. My dad and I do our research and find where we have to be at what time but first we have to talk to secretary Ross. So we do that and then go to sleep, to come in action the next day.

I take 3 aspirin pills and get dressed. I put in my comms and I push the small button on it and my hair turns brown and my face turns into Supergirls face. I find my leather jacket and my father and I get on our way to a bio-tech company called ReVo. We walk in and show the secretary our fake ID's to then take the elevator to the 12th floor. "The lab is supposed to be on the end of the hallway on our right. But there will be a lot of security." My dad explains. "Well we just have to knock those out." I smile. "Yeah, we can't have any deaths so be extra careful. Bullets can bounce off of you into security." My dad warns me. "I know." I nod. "You have your gun right?" My dad asks. "Yes, when these guys in the lab see that gun they'll just give the virus. They don't see the difference between a real and a fake gun." The elevator dings and my dad pushes his watch. Small particles take over his body and he gets into his suit. "You can't go into the lab they cant know who we are. People wont recognize me as supergirl in this outfit." I say. "Lets go." My dad says and we turn step out of the elevator.

On my right I see a security guard. I smack him right on the head and he falls down knocked out. "Nice. My dad whispers. There is 4 security guards in the right hallway, I see when I peek around the corner. I put 4 fingers up to my dad. He makes a hand motion and then counts down on his fingers from three to one. On one we both get around the corner and take on the first two guards. The man knocks me in the face and tries to tackle me but I don't let that happen and knee him in his stomach to then hit him in the face knock out. I can't even catch my breath cause there is already my second victim. He kicks me on the right side of my stomach and cramps take over, he than knees me in my face, but I get back and smack him in the face. "Go in there I'll keep them busy." My dad says.

I run towards the end of the hallway and knock down one more guard on my way to steel his ID card. I scan it on the lab door and it opens. I grab the fake gun and point it forward to then walk in to the room. "Hands where I can see them!" I yell. I scan the room to see 3 more guards. I hear a gun loading. O shoot me I think to myself. "Where is your precious virus?" I ask. The first brave guard comes at me and while I'm struggling with him for a while, also a second comes running towards me. I laser one in his hand and he lets go off me so I knock the other one out and then him. There is only one left. "Give me a second." I say and put my gun back in its holder to walk towards the last guard who is standing next to the large windows. I go to hit him in the face but he grabs my fist and kicks me in my stomach as well. *sshole. I try kicking him but he throws me onto the window, I can hear it crack a bit. I proceed to hit him but he throws me at the window again and this time it breaks. I fall maybe 6 story's before I realize I'm falling. I then fly back up and hit the guy right in the face. "Okay, now where is your damn M-Virus." I order. No one answers me. I scan all 4 mens faces. "Now or I shoot him trough the head." I say and grab my gun and one of the men. "Okay, Okay." The man I have stutters. "Westfield, get it." I follow the man called Westfield still holding the other man. "Slowly, Westfield." I say. When the guy opens a volt. He gets a tube out off there filled with yellow glowing stuff. I grab it open the lab door and get my father and fly out off the window that I broke all within 3 seconds. I then let go off my dad and let him fly on his own. I slow down a little to get on his pace. "I got it." I smile. "Good job honey." My dad says.

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