Chapter 2

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Once again, Nightmare didn't know how long he'd been traveling for. Days? He wasn't sure. He just knew his entire body ached, and he had run out of food. He'd updated his journal once or twice, but he focused most of his attention on travelling. He wondered how far the search for him had gone? Had it been huge, and still ongoing? Or small, just around the castle and the village?

Not like it mattered now though, right?

Nightmare shook his head, and continued trekking on through the snow. He didn't think he could be anymore relieved, when he finally saw an opening up ahead, and the lights of a small town.

He couldn't feel his fingers at all by this point, or his feet, and he barely had any feeling left in his legs. He did his best to grip onto the potato sack he had flung over his shoulder, and began making his way into town.

It didn't take long before Nightmare was noticed and approached by someone.
The person who had approached him wore a dark brown long sleeve shirt, with a lighter brown t-shirt on top. He had a blue hoodie with white fur on the hood around his waist area, with overall like shorts. He wore a scarf around his neck, that went from a darker shade of brown, down to a beige at the ends, and a black smudge of ink remained permanently on his right cheek. The most notable thing was the sash he had on, which was covered by small vials of paint, that were all different shades and tints of colour.

"Hello! You seem to be new here! Welcome to Snowdin town. It's small, but it's home. I'm Ink!" The newcomer introduced himself. "I couldn't help but notice how cold and tired and hungry you look. I can offer you a place to stay for as long as you need in my (and my roommate's) home!" He offered, holding out a hand for Nightmare to shake in greeting.

Nightmare hesitated, before shaking 'Ink's' hand to the best of his ability. He thought it was odd that someone was offering him a place in their home straight off the bat, but it wasn't like he was about to refuse either.

"Woah! Your hand is cold! Let's get you to my place and get you warmed up! Er...." he trailed off, not knowing what the cloaked skeleton's name was. "N-Nightmare...." he said quietly,  casting a glance up at Ink.

"Nightmare! Well, it's nice to meet you." Ink smiled kindly before quickly rushing to get to his and his roommate's home. 
Nightmare's steps were slow, but he still tried his best to follow as quick as he could without tripping and falling.

After a few more minutes of walking, they arrived at a house that was just above the average size. The outside was neatly decorated with colourful flowers, and the rest of the house was cleanly painted a dull grey.

"H-How many r-roommates-s do you have?" Nightmare asked through his shivering.
The question made Ink perk up. Yeah, that was probably something he should have told Nightmare.
"There's three of them. Don't pay any mind to them though, they're generally grumpy people, other than the human."

Nightmare gave a small nod at the response, watching as Ink opened the door and held it open for him. He stepped inside, and was immediately relieved by the warmth of the house, even though he was still freezing like an ice cube.
He set the potato sack down on the inside of the front closet, and hesitantly took his cloak off as well.

Ink took his shoes off once he'd stepped inside, as to not trail snow throughout the entirety of the house. That was one of the rules they had here.
When Nightmare noticed this, he quickly followed suit, and took his boots off, setting them next to Ink's.

Ink lead Nightmare over to the couch, and sat him down gently. "Wait here. I'll go make some hot chocolate while C isn't home. He goes insane over chocolate."

Night gave a small nod, not paying too much mind to Ink's words. He was more focused on the warmth of the home, and the fireplace just below the TV.
He was so glad he had someplace warm to stay tonight.

After awhile of Nightmare spacing out, Ink walked back into the living room and sat down next to him, two mugs of hot chocolate in his hands.
Nightmare got coasters out of habit, and placed them on the table in front of the two so Ink could place them down.

Ink thanked him, and gently set the two full mugs down on the table.
By this point, Nightmare had started to warm up a little, the feeling in his legs slowly returning to him. 

"So, Nightmare, Tell me a little bit about yourself." Ink said curiously, picking up the mug closest to him and taking a small sip of the hot beverage.

Nightmare went to speak, but before he could even open his mouth, someone had aggressively slammed the front door open, and stormed inside.

Said person wore a long, black and yellow coat, with a blue and black ombré scarf. He wore red slippers, and he had black bones. On either one of his cheeks, he had blue lines coming down from his eyes like tears, and to top it off, he had glitches and words all over him.
He did not look happy.

"Welcome home, Error."

927 words hfndhdhdhdhdvdb
I'm so proud of myself

Woah this book already has almost 50 views- so thanks ! 

Hhhhh hope you enjoyed !

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