Chapter 6

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Moments after Cross had opened the door, Night was being forced out of the tiny room he had been locked inside of. He didn't even bother to try and fight in any way. He had lived here before. He knew how difficult it would be to get passed all the guards in the castle if he wanted to somehow get free. 

Night couldn't help but look up at Cross as he was forced into the hallway of the prison he now recognized. They made eye contact for a few brief moments before Cross broke it, and Night was forced to begin walking. In those few seconds of making eye contact Night had been able to catch onto a glint in Cross' eyelight. 

They paused at a door at the end of the hall, and he could feel Cross lean down and go to whisper something to him. "You're going in for questioning. Don't answer anything." He said in a mumble. "I'm gonna get you out of here." He said, before leaning back up and opening the large door. It was in a hallway Night recognized after a moment of orientating himself. 

It was the hallway he recognized the kitchen of the castle to be in, as well as a few storage rooms and others he never really bothered to remember. Night walked a little more confidently now as Cross held Night's arms behind his back so he was unable to make any unexpected moves, not that he would if he new Cross was helping him to escape the castle he once called home. 

They walked through about 5 different hallways before approaching the large doors of the throne room. Cross knocked, and moments later other guards were opening the door for them. Night was pushed into the throne room, where his brother sat on the yellow and golden throne. He looked grand, though Night knew his brother didn't enjoy sitting in it, just as much as he didn't like sitting in his own, which stood right beside Dream's empty without him in it. 

Dream simply stared at his brother as he was forced into the throne room, obviously struggling to keep a straight face and not run to his brother in tears. It would make the situation a lot more awkward than it already was, anyways. The brightly coloured skeleton remained silent, before taking in a small breath and finally gathering the courage to speak up and begin to question his brother. 

"Brother." He started simply, trying not to let his voice waver. "...Why? Why did you corrupt the tree of feelings?" 

So, like Cross had told him to do, Night remained completely silent, simply looking at the floor in shame and not giving an answer to his brother. He felt horrible ignoring his brother like this but he knew whether or not he told him, he would be critically punished. 

There was a long silence in the throne room that seemed to go on for way too long before Dream finally spoke up again, this time asking a different question. "Why did you run away after corrupting the tree, Night?" 

Again, Night gave no answer, his gaze remaining on the floor in shame. 

Dream would ask one more question before he gave up and sent Night back into the dungeon again, even if he really didn't want to. "Night... Please... Answer me..." He pleaded. "Why didn't you just come to me for help... you know I would help you..." 

It hurt, it really did but still, Night remained silent. Dream looked hurt, but looked Cross in the eyes, and nodded to him. "Lock him... Lock him back up... We can see if he's ready to talk tomorrow." He said, seeming to be silently pleading Cross to do something, anything. 

Cross just simply nodded to the yellow themed skeleton, not allowing himself to show any emotion as he grabbed Night again and began seemingly forcing him back out of the throne room, though Night was walking on his own. The two of them walked back in the direction of the dungeon, until they reached one of the only weakly guarded halls in the castle. 

That's when Cross lets go of the other's wrists, freeing him from the slightly painful position his arms had been in.  Night looked relieved that the other finally let go. Cross looks around, and quickly begins to explain his plan, mainly just hoping no other guards happened to walk by while they were paused in the hall. 

"Listen to me." He started, placing his hands on the small prince's shoulders. "I'm going to get you out of here. But I can't do that right now. We have to wait until later tonight, when we can sneak out easier. Don't go to sleep tonight, got it? At midnight, I'm going to go down there and get you. We'll take horses and head back to Ink's. We'll go from there." He said, before grabbing Night's wrists again and beginning to walk him back to the dungeon once more. 

All Night could do before being forced to walk again was nod. So many questions were running through his mind as they walked, and he couldn't hold back from asking one specific question. "Why are you helping me?"

Cross was silent as they reached the door leading to the prison. "Ink likes 'ya. He was devastated when the guards came and you were taken, despite just meeting you." That was the only answer the monochrome skeleton gave, though he clearly had more to say. He was clearly interested in learning about the prince as well. 

Night was quickly brought back down to his cell, and Cross locked him up again. "Don't forget. Do NOT fall asleep. I'm coming to get you at midnight. Sharp." He said, before walking back down the hallway and shoving the key to Night's cell in his jacket pocket. 

Night watched Cross leave again, before letting out a defeated sigh and going to sit on the uncomfortable bed in the corner of the cell. It wasn't like he couldn't really do anything other than wait for Cross and hope that he would eventually return later that night. 

The most he could do now, while he was waiting, was to write in the journal that was still stored in the inside pocket of his cloak. It would be good to update it now... and it would be helpful in passing the time now. 

So, Night pulled out the beat up looking journal and the pen that somehow hadn't exploded yet, and found a somewhat comfortable position on the bed, before beginning to write. 

'Dear Journal, 

The last little while has been completely insane... So much has happened since the last time I wrote. I finally got the chance to write again. I met a group of other skeletons (and a human) who took me in. They were really nice... for the most part. There was Error, who was really grumpy it seemed, he didn't like me very much, Chara, the human, they didn't seem to care too much that I was even there in the first place, Ink, who seemed to be like... the leader of the group I guess you could say?? And Cross... he... he dresses in black and white a lot. There's something about him that makes me feel safe around him, but that's probably because he's helping me out now. 

The group took me in when they found me out in the snow. But the guards managed to find their house and not long after, managed to find me. They took me in, to the dungeon I'm sitting in now... I was taken up for questioning with my brother but I didn't say anything to him.

Cross is supposed to help me out of here tonight. I don't know if he actually plans on getting me out or not, but I can only wait.

I hope he does.'


(1323 words) 

Hey gamers!! 

I've finally gotten the motivation to finish this chapter, so here it is! I'm glad to hear that so many of you are actually enjoying this shitty fanfic lmao 

I'm really sorry it took me so long to get to this, online schooling was a huge change and a huge stress on me and I couldn't get to working on this during that, but!! I'm just under a week into summer break so maybe??? I can work on this more? Don't quote me on that though 

Thanks for all of the votes and comments though, it was encouraging to see all of the support. We'll find out next chapter if Cross actually helps Night or not :3c 

Also here, take some art I did a few months back of Night 

Also here, take some art I did a few months back of Night 

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