Chapter 5

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As the rush of panic passed over Night, he could feel tears beginning to form in his eye sockets. He looked at Ink, as the royal guard that had started banging on the door began to count down from 10. This wasn't good. Night was trapped, and he couldn't do anything to get away. 


Ink returned Night's gaze, and began rushing towards the door to the basement that was in the home they lived in, most likely where Ink's room was located. 


Night looked at the door, then back at Ink. Ink was quick to whisper. "Hide in the closet downstairs, in the storage room. Don't come out until I give you the all clear." 


Night took a moment to process the other's words, thanks to the panic flooding through his mind. But when he understood, he rushed down the stairs, hearing the door to the basement close quickly behind him, and the click of a lock. 


Night took the few seconds he had left, and bolted down the stairs, practically jumping down the staircase. He didn't want to waste any time he had left for himself. 


He looks around the dimly lit room, other than a single light source coming from the top corner of the bedroom. A window. Just the right size for someone like him to squeeze through.


He didn't waste another moment, he could hear the guards banging on the door upstairs still. He bolted for the window, climbing on top of the bed, and opening it. Now that the window was open, he could clearly hear the guards. 


Night would have to thank Ink and the other's for letting him stay if he ever saw them again. Thankfully, he was still wearing his cloak, and journal and pen, having not taken them off when he had gotten there. 


He didn't have any food left, and hadn't gathered anything new, but he would have to find something further along on his journey. He didn't waste another second, and hoisted his body out of the window, looking around to make sure he was in the clear of any guard's view. 


He was. Without waiting another moment, he steadied himself, pulled his hood up so he wouldn't be identified, and made a break for the direction he had been heading in before Ink had found him and taken him in.


Night didn't stick around to see what happened, he just kept booting it down the snowy street. He knew his footprints would be left. He had to find someplace busy where the guards would lose his tracks, and scent for any dog guards. He had managed to find a few G in his cloak, maybe he could buy some food and more things he would need on his journey. If only this place had a train, then he would be able to take it and get farther away but, he knew he would have to travel on foot. 

Night begins walking through the town, heading towards the downtown area to blend in with anyone walking down the street. He kept his head down, being sure not to allow himself to be identified. It wasn't long before Night spotted someplace selling foods at a low price. He made his way over, gathering the G that he had and buying the lowest priced items and getting as many as he could. When he had barely any money left, he thanked the person who had sold him the foods, and headed on his way

Not even 20 minutes after Night had started on his way, though, he could hear the sounds of the guards yelling, and the many footsteps that followed. They weren't running by any means, but there was a lot of them, and they were heading the same direction Night was headed. He had to find someplace to hide. He knew straight up running would just get him caught and captured, and he would be forced to return home and face whatever consequences that followed. He did not want to figure out what the punishment would be.

Though he didn't plan on running, he did speed up his walking pace. He had to find a way to loop around and get back to Ink's house, so the guards would move onto the next town without assuming anything. 

Right as Night began to form the plan in his head, he heard a call from where the guards were behind him, and he began to panic. Oh no, they had spotted the moon shaped marking on his cloak. The marking that signalled that it had belonged to the prince of negativity. He had forgotten about that, and now he had no place to run, with the guards coming after him from behind, and the townspeople blocking his escape forwards, he was trapped and had nowhere to run.

Just when Night had spotted an opening where he was able to run, he felt something hit the back of his skull, hard. And after that, he was knocked out, collapsing into the snow. 

He wasn't sure how long he had been out when he was finally woken up, and he didn't know where he was for a few moments, but when the memory came back to him, he began to panic. Fuck, they had caught him, he was somewhere in the castle. He goes to sit up, only to let out a long groan of pain as a huge migraine washed over his skull. Probably from being hit and knocked out. 

He began to look around, holding his head as he tried to figure out what part of the castle he had been put into. It obviously wasn't his own room, seeming as nothing of his was actually in said room other than himself and the cloak he was wearing. The room was pretty much empty, with only a bed and walls painted a cream colour. He couldn't seem to remember actually ever seeing a room like this in the castle before. The only thing in the room, other than him of course, was a bed, which he was sitting on, and a door. 

Night realized after a few moments, that he wasn't sure where his journal was, and if anyone were to read that, he would definitely be in even more trouble. So, he started looking through the two pockets of his cloak in a panic to see if his book was still there. Thankfully, it was, and it didn't look like anyone had gotten ahold of it, either. His pen was also still there along with it. He was debating on writing in it, to let some things out while he was alone. But before he could even pull out the journal, the door to the strange room opened, revealing someone he hadn't been expecting to see at all. 



1139 words 

Haha another cliffhanger 

I'm actually starting to enjoy writing this now that the tension has gone up, but I have a few art things I need to work on and I keep getting distracted so I decided to end the chapter

There will probably another update over this break, because I'm home for three weeks since school is shut down, and I really don't have anything better to do :P 

Thank you to Laxandally for a partial idea for this chapter, of Night escaping through the window - It was actually a big help on where I wanted the story to go lmao 

Any fan art made is greatly appreciated and I would absolutely love to see it! 

I hope you all have a good break- see you soon 

Notes (A Crossmare FanFiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon