Chapter 3

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"Welcome home, Error."
Ink spoke as the two skeletons made eye contact. "What's got you so upset?" He asked with a raise of his 'brow'.

The new skeleton, who Ink has referred to as 'Error', growled at the question. "Blue got away. I don't know how and I don't know when, but he's gone." He growled. "Did you have anything to do with that?"
Error's voice glitched heavily as he spoke, almost to the point where Nightmare couldn't understand what he was saying; but Ink didn't seem to have an issue understanding him.

"No, I had nothing to do with that. I still don't know why you kept him tied up though. He would've just willingly stayed put, y'know. He can be stubborn, yes, but not all the time."

Error gave a small roll of his eyelights. "I'll find him again." He said, before his gaze rested on Nightmare, who was still drinking the hot chocolate and trying to warm himself up again. "Who is this and why are they in my house?"

Ink's eyelights changed to a green triangle and an orange sun at the question. "Right- Error, this is Nightmare. Nightmare, this is Error." Ink introduced. Nightmare gave a small wave, his expression showing that he was obviously nervous around the glitchy skeleton.

"Nightmare will be staying with us until he feels like he's ready to head back out again. I found him half frozen at the edge of town, barely able to walk." Ink spoke, casting a reassuring smile at Nightmare when they made eye contact.

Nightmare wasn't so sure about Error, considering he looked like he would murder him in his sleep, but... He gave a small shrug and nodded to Ink. He didn't wanna mess anything up. Not again anyways.

Error narrowed his eyes at the skeleton on their couch, before looking up at Ink again. "You can't just go making decisions like that on your own! We barely have enough space for the four of us! Where are we going to put a fifth person!?" He asked, his voice glitching heavily with irritation. He did not seem happy about the choice Ink had made without him and their other roommates.

"I can just leave if you need me to..." Nightmare murmured. "If I'm just going to be so much of an inconvenience." He looked between the two, placing the now almost empty cup of hot chocolate down on the coaster in front of him and getting up. "I don't want to be the cause of any fights or arguments."

"No!" Ink quickly jumped in, to Nightmare and Error's surprise. "No, He's staying. The poor guy doesn't have anywhere else to go." Ink said to Error. "We'll figure something out, alright?" He asked.

"He can stay at the inn downtown." Error said plainly. "We don't have space." He said again, "Hell, if I have to, I'll be the one to give him money so he can stay elsewhere."

Ink quickly shook his head again. "I'll set up an air mattress in my room and he can sleep there. There, now everything is settled and you don't have to get so worked up." He said.

Nightmare was just unsure of what to say, so he just sat there, watching the two argue and getting lost in his thoughts and worries. Was his brother still looking for him? If so, how close to him were they? Should he just keep running? 

His thoughts were cut short when he realized Ink and Error were looking at him, like they were waiting for a response to a question. "Sorry, could you repeat that...?" He asked softly, a soft blush tinting his cheeks as he looked down in embarrassment. 

Ink gave a small, reassuring smile at the other. "I just asked if me setting up an air mattress for you would be okay." He said. "Would it?" He asked again.

Nightmare thought about it for a few short moments, before nodding at Ink. "Y-Yeah..." He finally answered. "An air mattress here would be better than sleeping on the ground outside... again..." He added in, though it was more to himself than Ink and Error. 

Error didn't look happy about Nightmare's choice, but he didn't say anything more. He just grumbled, and stormed off to his own room, probably to play video games or something to calm his nerves. 

Ink gave Nightmare another reassuring smile, picking up the two now empty mugs. "I'm glad you decided to stay, don't worry about Error. He's grouchy like that all the time." He said as he headed into the kitchen. 

Just as Nightmare was beginning to wind down again, though, he heard the door open and close again, and two pairs of footsteps entered the house. Nightmare let out an internal groan. He didn't want to have to meet more people, that just increased the risk of him being found. 

He looked at the two newcomers, a small frown on his face as he looked them over. One was a human, who had extremely pale skin. He was actually almost certain that it was white like the snow outside. They wore a white poncho, with a black turtleneck sweater underneath. They also wore black shorts that came down to their knees, and boots that came up just above their ankles. They had completely white hair, that only slightly covered their eyes, which, might he add were odd. That was all he could describe them as. 

The monster that followed behind them was another skeleton like him, Ink and Error. 

They were also dressed in completely black and white. They had a black turtleneck on, like the human before them, with a hoodie on top, that had a huge amount of fur on the hood. The sleeves were also cut short, like a t-shirt. They wore a scarf/cape, that was black and white, and ripped at the bottom around his neck. They also had two sash-like pieces of fabric across his chest, made to look like an 'x'. On the bottom, he wore black shorts, also going down to his knees. They had 'x's on the side of each leg. The newcomer also had white boots on, again with 'x's on them. 

Nightmare though, found the most interest in the zig-zag shaped scar on the other's cheek, that was a bright red. As well as his eyelight on the same side, also red.  

The human seemed to take notice of Nightmare right as Ink walked back into the room.

"Who're you?"


1,084 words.

Wow, okay, that took a lot longer to write than I would have liked it to. Sorry for the huge delay. School's back, and I started high school this year. So, I'm a lot busier than I used to be- 

I've also been kinda unmotivated , and can't come up with any new ideas for the story, so if you have a suggestion please feel free to leave it in the comments. hhhh

thanks for reading, and thanks for 160 views and 15 favourites!! 

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