The Chapter Where They Meet the Hero

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"I'm home," Don announced as he entered his small house. No one answered. "Oh, that's right; I live alone."

He immediately took a hot shower, letting the events of the day replay in his mind.

'I've met a bunch of interesting people, and I also met Lan. It just so happens that a terrorist-assassin is after me as well, and I'm about to meet the most famous man on the planet. Sure wish the paperwork wasn't so boring, though. That was definitely the worst part. I wonder if Dean's actually interested, or if he's just playing? Well, whatever. This isn't a YA setting, so I'm not gonna be fantasizing about being held in his arms, all the while proclaiming myself not to be like other girls, and throwing my hair up in a messy bun five times a day.'

The cuts over his body were already starting to heal; Another one of the perks his vapor brought with it. Since he could modify his body slightly, he could force his skin to close over any minor injury.

Once he was sufficiently clean, he got out of the shower, put on his pajamas, then went to feed his fish. It was a relatively large tank, but it only had a single fish in it.


Kevin was a mean fucking fish. Don had gotten him and five others a few weeks ago. It only took a few days for Kevin to eat the others.

'Maybe I should just let him starve to death.'

Going to the kitchen to make himself something to eat, Don turned the TV on and listened to the news.

"First came the water, and once the espers dealt with it, everything started freezing. The police are sure this heinous crime was the act of at least two espers. Here with us is father Omen, leader of the Anti-Esper Movement. He has a few words to share with us." As the reported spoke, Don couldn't help rolling his eyes. He didn't mind the bad treatment he got at times; It kept his routine more interesting. Being jumped in the dark was as close to exciting as he had ever gotten. The police had tried multiple times to arrest him for using his vapor to cause injury, but since it had always been in self-defense, they'd been out of luck.

Returning to the living room with a sandwich, Don watched the man on TV Speak.

Father Omen was definitely an outstanding individual. He had gotten three doctorates by the time he was eighteen. He came from a wealthy family, and once he had become the leader of his church, he brought them to their glory days. He was popular with women, too. All this, and he was still only twenty seven. That said, he was also extremely conservative, and had a slightly dated look in his eyes.

'Looks like's he's lookin' behind you instead of at you,' Don figured, turning the volume up as said man took the microphone.

"What has happened here is clearly a great tragedy. I tried to warn the people of Chicago of the dangers espers and their abilities pose to society, but the citizens waved me off. This is bound to happen in all pro-esper cities. Please, for the sake of those you care for, look to God, and listen to what he's telling you; Espers are dangerous. This recent attack is just one proof of this simple, indisputable fact. Dozens of lives were lost, and that was just the beginning. If this situation gets any more out of hand, us regular humans will be forced down the food chain. We'll be treated as second-class citizens by the espers, used and manipulated as they see fit. If we do not work hard to fight against them, God is sure to bring judgment down unto us. That day is coming, and when it does, no one will be safe. Please, listen to reason."

Don rolled his eyes again. With his unusual white hair and violet eyes, father Omen could've been the ideal catch. Unfortunately, he was too set in his ways, and refused to budge.

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