Chapter 2: A Birthday to Remember

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*five years later*

Ty's POV

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Jason and Kermit sang - well, more like shouted.

"AND MANY MORE!" Jason added.

I blew out the candles on the cake, grinning.

"I can't believe you're finally double digits!" Kermit exclaimed. He and Jason were both already ten, but Jason's birthday was in June, and Kermit's in July. I was the youngest out of the three of us.

"I don't get why humans make such a big deal out of it, though," I frowned. "Like, you're leaving childhood behind. Isn't that sad?"

"I guess..." Jason replied.

"But at least you get presents!" Kermit exclaimed, throwing a few boxes on the table in front of me.

My dad had given me a headset earlier, made out of obidian and glowing green gems. I don't think I'm ever taking it off.

"Open mine first!" Jason exclaimed.

"Hey!" Kermit protested, elbowing Jason. "You mean our presents!"

"We made these for you," Jason nodded, putting emphasis on the "we" and glaring at Kermit.

They both handed me two long, slender boxes. I tore the wrapping off the first box to reveal a bow that practically shone in the light, well-polished and enchanted. A leather quiver lay next to it, with ten arrows inside.

"We asked the village sorcerer to enchant it for us," Jason explained. "It's got Power III, Flame I, and Infinity I! So you'll only ever need one arrow!"

"That's amazing!" I exclaimed, lifting the bow out of the box. It was the perfect size, too; not too large, not too small either.

"And here!" Kermit added, pushing the other box closer to me. I ripped the wrapping paper off and pulled the lid off.

Inside was a shining, brand-new obsidian sword.

"Whoa..." I murmured. "This is beautiful!"

"Do you like it?" Kermit asked. "This took Jason and me hours to make."

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, and their faces fell a bit. "I love it! Thanks so much, guys!" I exclaimed, squeezing them both in a hug.

"Ow - " Jason protested. "Let - go - "

"Sorry!" I apologized, dropping both of them. "But these gifts are awesome!"

Jason and Kermit both grinned, their smiles reaching from ear to ear.

"The sun's going down!" Kermit said, his eyes widening. "We need to go! Now!"

I picked up my new sword and bow, and the three of us booked it.

We had had my birthday "party" in the treehouse we'd built almost five years ago, but we had expanded it over the last five years. Now, Kermit had been adopted by another family who lived in the village, and we'd built Jason a proper house with the help of my dad. It was hidden in the side of the mountain so that no one would find it. Jason doesn't want anyone to find out what he can do.

We needed to get home soon. Recently, there had been reports of glowing white eyes appearing in the woods more and more often, and the amount of mobs in the forest at night has gone up - a lot. Night had become more dangerous.

Jason's house was on the way back to the village, and we arrived there first, all of us out of breath.

"Good night," he whispered, ducking down to enter the secret door into his house.

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