no. 17: trapped

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You are leaving and I am here
I am stuck heaving and dreaming
I feel sick to my stomach
I threw my life away before it even began
and it’s coming back.
My life is coming back,
and her hands are curled into fists,
and she is flying at me with all that she is,
and she is gearing up to punch me
in revenge for throwing her away.
I am so lost,
I can’t find any options,
I don’t know how I’m going to do this.
I don’t know how I’m going to achieve my dreams.
-- I have dreams now, did you know that?
I didn’t know that I would have dreams.
There is a light at the end of this endless black hole
that I have been stuck in since I was a child.
But I am in a black hole,
and now that I finally see the light
it’s trying to swallow me back up,
and I am left sinking, sinking,
and you are leaving me
but I’m still here, stuck,
and I don’t know how to escape.

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