no. 19: i deserve to live

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Trigger warning: self harm
My wrists are safe
I don't dare deign to touch them
They are safe with their veins
With their arteries slick
They are safe because all it would take is a nick
And I can't die
I have too much punishment left to live out
I have too much pain left to endure
Torture that I need to take and I need to take
Because I deserve it,
So my wrists are safe.
But my thighs are not.
My thighs drip and they drip and they drip
They are part of the pain I have left to withstand
Pain I have mediated onto myself because I Deserve it
I deserve every ounce of hurt that I get
Because I am awful.
My actions are selfish and in turn become cruel
I am the sole reason my life falls apart
And I am deserving every moment of hurt
that I inflict upon myself.
I deserve to live.
I don't get to die.
So I am in pain and I will stay that way
Until God decides to take me away.

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