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"Are they nearby?" Theo cautiously asked.

"Of course."

She quickly adjusted her phone in hand and waved down a nearby taxi. There was no way in hell that she'd be returning to face them anytime soon. She'd simply grab her car and head home. But after that painful interaction, she felt in no mood to walk the long way back there.

"Can you put them on the line? Not on speaker, please."

"If I must." Joan relented.

After a brief silence, she was greeted by a voice that one could only describe as smooth and kind. Much unlike Ryan. 

"This is Henry Ross."

"This is Theo. How can I help you?" Once she was settled inside the cab she muttered her office address and sat back for the ride.

"We wanted to get in touch with what we know is the best writer at Elite and the very woman assigned to our brother, Ryan. "

"Why is that?"

"We wanted to invite you to dinner tonight. Just to give you the chance to get to know us a bit better and gain better insight on us for the article."

"You seem like a kind and reasonable man, but I assure you it won't be necessary. I've asked enough questions and I will be in touch to email a few extras very soon."

"So soon? He gave you all that you needed in such a short time? Or was it something else?"

"...Yeah, everything went as well as I expected. Is that all?" Theo said, keeping her exact words short.

"Listen, I know my brother can be very difficult to be around especially to a stranger. He's unbearably stubborn, but he means well most of the time."

She couldn't help but scoff at the suggestion before attempting to cover it with a cough. And with a short laugh, Henry continued as if he never heard it at all.

"What I'm trying to say is just give him another chance. He's my wise brother who's never been accustomed to communicating with other people. He's very intelligent and surprisingly sensitive but it can be very difficult for him to express everything that rests on his mind."

"So he's had no friends or relationships before?"

There's a pregnant pause over the line that lasts all too long. Theo looks at her phone and sure enough, he's still there but he isn't making a sound.

"It's complicated. All I'm asking for is just one more chance."

"It's not that big of a deal. I'm just one journalist in a line of many more who will be eternally grateful for the opportunity to meet him. You seem like a decent guy and I'd love nothing more than to help you out however I can."

"But?" He retorts.

"I refuse to put myself in a situation that is uncomfortable for me.  Whether it be with a man, mermaid, or god. You have to understand. This is my job. You came to me. I can only give so much respect when it's evidently not returned. I'm sure he has trouble with communicating but he should have fixed that before he ever even thought of forming a connection with the rest of the world."

"You don't understand. It was impossible not to. He made it imperative that this interview must be done." He said to her surprise.

"Excuse me? I was under the impression that this was all your idea.  He said it himself that he didn't want it."        

"Oh. Well, that was a lie."

"Then what is the truth?"

"Listen, let's have dinner. This is a conversation best had face to face and I am desperate to make this up to you in any way I can."

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